Woman fuming as fingers and toes amputated during hospital visit for diarrhoea

A woman who went to hospital for severe diarrhoea was shocked when complications led to her having her fingers and toes amputated.

The 30-year-old from Chon Buri, Thailand, was rushed to a medical centre on April 12, and after it was found she had critically low blood pressure she was taken in for emergency treatment, reports Thaiger.

Her husband, Chai, told local media that doctors informed him his wife was suffering from kidney failure and needed dialysis.

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He claimed he was given a consent form for a carotid duplex ultrasound and, although his wife seemed unsure about the surgery, Chai gave medical staff the go-ahead.

But Chai, 42, was shocked to learn later that his wife was instead given an appendectomy.

Chai's wife remained in the hospital until April 20 following the procedure, during which time the concerned husband also alleged she wasn't checked up on by any doctors as a local holiday, Songkran, meant staff were unavailable.

Over time, Chai noticed his wife's condition was beginning to deteriorate. Her fingers and toes had turned black and she seemed unresponsive during conversations, prompting doctors to finally investigate what had gone wrong.

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Eventually it was found the woman had suffered from sepsis, a serious blood infection that can cause oxygen levels to plummet.

In a bid to save her life, doctors amputated all of her right fingers, several fingers from her left hand, and all of her toes.

The woman was discharged from the hospital on April 26, but the couple have been left scratching their heads as to how the woman's condition was allowed to deteriorate so significantly.

The hospital told local media they acknowledged the seriousness of the situation and said they planned to hold a meeting with the couple to address their concerns.

One social media user, who said they work as a doctor, also attempted to shed some light on the woman's condition.

"I suspect that the woman may have experienced hypovolemic shock, which caused a decrease in her blood pressure," they wrote.

"To prevent her from dying, the doctor administered Levophed, a medication used to raise blood pressure.

"Unfortunately, one of the side effects of this medication is compromised blood circulation to the fingers and toes.

"However, it was a necessary course of action given the circumstances."

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