Weather maps show ‘near gale’ winds expected to batter Britain this weekend

New weather maps have revealed that Britain is set to be battered by “near gale” winds throughout the weekend and until Sunday (July 16) evening.

The data comes shortly after the Met Office warned that huge swathes of Britain are under a yellow weather warning tonight, with the agency saying that much of the UK is facing thunderstorms and heavy winds.

Nearly all of the south of England and the south of Wales are set to be battered by high speed winds until at least midnight tonight (July 15).

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Meanwhile, all of Scotland and parts of the north of England are set to be battered by thunderstorms, with the Met Office warning that flooding could occur in towns and cities north of Lancaster until at least 11pm tonight.

Data pulled fromWXCharts , an online service that tracks weather patterns across the world, reveals that strong winds of up to 50 km per hour are set to batter the British Isles, with the last of the weekend’s major gusts subsiding by 6pm on Sunday.

According to the Beaufort Scale, a method of determining the impact of wind speeds, winds between 50 and 61 km per hour are considered “near gale force winds.”

Thankfully, this weekend’s heavy winds will be the last ones we’ll face for at least a week.

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While the UK will be battered by winds and rain this weekend, the opposite is happening on the continent as El Nino, a global weather phenomenon that comes every three to seven years when the Pacific Ocean heats up and raises global temperatures, sizzles Europeans.

Europe is currently suffering a major heatwave, with the mercury on the continent hitting highs of 48C.

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And it’s likely that the UK will soon suffer the effects of El Nino.

One expertsaidthat the phenomenon will lay the perfect foundation for "chaotic occurrences" that could result in 21C heat in February, severe thunderstorms, four week-long blizzards, or even tornadoes, as well as more record breaking temperatures.

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