Tesla slides down an icy driveway after owner parks it

Tesla owner narrowly avoids being crushed by his own car as it slides down icy driveway after he parks it

  • Chris Cornish bought the electric £59,000 Tesla Model 3 one year ago 
  • He parked the car at the top of his driveway in Kent during the recent snow
  • As he closed the car’s door, it started to slide down the steep icy driveway 
  • The car burst two tyres and bent one of the four alloy wheels against a kerb 

A Telsa owner was shocked after his £59,000 car started sliding down his ice-covered driveway as it narrowly avoided running him down. 

The four-wheel-drive Model 3, which has automated drive systems, started sliding down Chris Cornish’s driveway in Kent. 

The 45-year-old programme manager in the financial services industry was hooking up his electric charger to the power point when it started to move. 

Chris Cornish, pictured right, closed the door of his £59,000 Tesla 3 car outside his home in Kent. As soon as he closed the door, the two-and-a-half-tonne car 

The car, pictured, right, began to slide down the driveway on the ice and snow

The car continued down the hill and struck a kerb, bursting two tyres and warping one of the alloy wheels

Mr Cornish captured footage of the incident on his door bell camera. He has owned the car for a year and it is his second Tesla. 

He said he had the handbrake of the car engaged when he shut the Tesla’s door. However, as the car was parked on an icy part of his raised driveway, it started to slide. 

He told MailOnline: ‘The driveway is quite steep but doesn’t look like it on the doorcam! It just caught my foot as I jumped out of the way but I am ok. It could have been a lot worse if I hadn’t sensed it moving as I walked round the back to put the Tesla on charge.’

According to the footage, the car came to a rest on a kerb on the bend of the driveway. 

Mr Cornish continued: ‘Unbelievably the car avoided the brick wall all the way down stopping instead on concrete slab paving that lines the driveway, it blew out two tyres and one alloy wheel bent which is being replaced. 

‘My two daughters were out walking our dog at the time, thank god they or anyone else weren’t coming up the driveway at the time. It could have ended tragically. 

 ‘I know someone that was killed years ago by being run over in this way. I’ve never felt so helpless as I watched it go down and haven’t used it since.’

He said it was lucky the 2.5 tonne car did not continue sliding out onto the private road at the end of his driveway where it could have damaged someone else’s property or cause an injury.  

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