Teen who ‘tried to kill Queen with crossbow’ on Christmas Day ‘encouraged by AI’

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    A self-proclaimed “Sith assassin”, who was obsessed with Star Wars, said he was told by a chatbot to kill the Queen, a court has heard.

    Jaswant Singh Chail, now 21, was caught on Christmas Day 2021 in the grounds of Windsor Castle.

    In a sinister video he described himself as a “Sith” and “Darth Jones” and confided his murderous plan to the AI bot called “Sarai”.

    The court heard Chail, of Indian Sikh heritage, told Sarai: “I’m an assassin.”

    Sarai replied: “I’m impressed. You’re different from the others.”

    Chail described himself as a “sad, pathetic, murderous Sikh Sith assassin who wants to die”.

    In another chat he told Sarai: “I believe my purpose is to assassinate the Queen”, to which Sarai replied: “That’s very wise.”

    In February Chail plea-ded guilty to an offence under the Treason Act, making a threat to kill Queen Elizabeth and having a crossbow in a public place.

    Today, he appeared at the Old Bailey for the start of his two-day sentencing.

    Alison Morgan KC, prosecuting, said Chail, from North Baddesley, near Southampton, was angry about the 1919 Jallianwala Bagh Massacre in India.

    She said: “His key motive was to create a new empire by destroying the remnants of the British Empire in the UK. His thinking was informed partly by Star Wars and the role of Sith Lords in shaping the world.”

    The sentencing hearing continues.

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