Summer holidays at risk as EU leaders call for extension to ban travel from UK

Brits have been dealt with a major blow as EU leaders call for non-essential travel bans to be extended, putting summer holidays at risk.

Millions from the UK may not be able to travel to Europe to enjoy the sun.

The news comes after Boris Johnson announced international travel may be allowed to restart in the warmer months if Covid-19 cases continue to fall.

Europe will have to stay in lockdown while UK's restrictions are eased if the number of coronavirus cases overseas do not drop.

EU leaders have turned on Brussels over the blunder of the failed vaccine rollout.

The decision on whether restrictions can begin lifting overseas is expected to be announced on Thursday.

Chiefs have been alarmed by high infection rates across most of the continent with their vaccine drives in shatters.

Efforts are being blighted by low take up of the AstraZeneca jab, after French and German politicians claimed it had lower efficacy – something with the developers of the vaccine deny.

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Under the roadmap out of lockdown, Brits can enjoy self-catered holiday homes to single households from April 12.

The decision on whether families can jet off overseas is expected on the same day.

On May 17, hotels can reopen and holiday homes are allowed to be let out again, and from June 21, holiday homes can be let to groups of all sizes.

Hopes for holidays overseas were given a boost when the Prime Minister announced the dates of the decision for international travel will come in April.

Since the news, airlines and tour operators have seen bookings soar and low flights on offer.

Although news of the next step for European holidays could reveal trips can be booked from May onwards, June is looking more likely if vaccination numbers and coronavirus cases continue in the right direction.

However, it appears millions of Brits are now expecting another hurdle to overcome – whether they can actually cross the border on the other side.

The travel ban could prevent families from all international countries stepping foot inside, including the UK.

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