Serial sex criminal dies after hospital appointment cancelled and not re-booked

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    A prisoner with a string of sexual offences on his record died after his hospital appointment was cancelled and not re-booked.

    Mel Orme, 57, was jailed for 32 months in 2020 after pleading guilty to sexual assault. Five months earlier he had been released from jail despite being given life for the attempted rape of a 16-year-old girl in 1998.

    He had 30 convictions dating back to 1979 when he was convicted of indecent assault on a female under 16. A judge previously described him as a "prolific sex offender", reports LancsLive.

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    Orme was transferred to HMP Wymott near Leyland last November. He underwent an initial health screening and informed prison staff he had been experiencing dizzy spells.

    A hospital appointment was made for him after an ECG indicated some abnormalities in his heart function.

    However, the appointment was then cancelled by the hospital, and there was nothing in Orme's records to suggest it was ever re-booked.

    On the morning of December 12 last year the sex offender was found dead in his cell when prison officers conducted their morning rounds.

    An inquest held earlier this month heard that Orme had a history of diabetes and hypertension.

    A post mortem CT scan concluded the cause of his death was coronary artery disease with aortic valve disease and left ventricular hypertrophy listed as contributory factors.

    Following Orme's death a series of recommendations were made to Wymott Prison. These are in the process of being implemented with the prison's head of healthcare revealing new systems had been put in place to ensure the kitchen staff are aware of diabetic prisoners and others on specific diets.

    Returning a conclusion of natural causes, Assistant Coroner Nicholas Rheinberg said: "Mel Orme had a known heart condition and suffered from diabetes. He was found dead in his cell at HMP Wymott at around 8am on December 12, 2022. He died as a result of naturally-occurring heart disease."

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