Second Bristol protest leads to stand off with police as crowds refuse to leave

There are concerning scenes in Bristol as protesters have once again gathered in the city just two days after mayhem ensued the streets.

After a police vehicle was torched on Sunday (March 21) and over a dozen officers were injured there were hopes that tensions may simmer over the following days.

However demonstrations flared up on Tuesday (March 24) night with protesters unhappy with Traveller's rights unfairly encroached on by the Government's planned Police and Crime Bill, reports the Mirror.

Avon and Somerset Police are asking protesters to leave the area due to Covid regulations and have confirmed three arrests have been made.

Cops have been seen on horseback and wearing riot gear.

The force has also indicated in tweets it is bringing the demonstration to an end is "ongoing".

Specially trained public order officers were deployed on Tuesday night to College Green, where police said around 130 people had gathered earlier in the evening.

In striking images protesters were seen kneeling in the street facing off against a line of shield carrying officers.

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According to the Daily Mail two female protesters spoke of how they were sat on the green when police came in with force.

One reportedly said: "They just came at us and gave us no warning whatsoever.

"I shouted to one 'what are you doing' and he hit me in the face. He hit my friend too and made her nose bleed. Nasty, nasty people."

Police were also said to be seen wrenching tents away from people as they forced them back.

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Unlike the protests on Sunday, which saw multiple officers injured and vehicles torched, there appears to have been no physical confrontations.

The demo is the latest “Kill the Bill” protest in the city against the Government’s Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill, which will see the police handed new powers to tackle demonstrations.

Avon and Somerset Police said officers had attempted to engage with demonstrators, who are currently not allowed to gather due to coronavirus legislation, and asked them to move on.

The force tweeted: “Specially trained public order officers are beginning to disperse a protest from College Green in #Bristol.

“Officers had engaged with protestors & asked them to move on but tents & a sound system were set up.

“We remain in lockdown and we cannot allow this gathering to continue.”

Chief Superintendent Claire Armes earlier said that “all necessary and proportionate enforcement action will be taken”.

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