Rishi Sunak, Biden and Von der Leyen mocked in Russian deepfake video

Russian deep fake video mocks Western sanctions

An artificially crafted video, created through the ingenious workings of AI, swiftly spread across the digital domains of the Kremlin’s diplomatic outposts scattered throughout Europe. Within this visually manipulated creation, a cast of prominent figures, including German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, EU Commission chief Ursula von der Leyen, French President Emmanuel Macron, and US President Joe Biden, found themselves entangled in a vexing struggle to conjure up the elusive 11th package of sanctions aimed at Putin’s regime.

Dubbed “11th package of sanctions (behind the scenes),” the video depicted President Biden in a fit of exasperation, relentlessly pounding his head against a wall, while President Macron, consumed by fury, took to manhandling an unsuspecting signpost.

As the plot thickened, Scholz, bereft of inspiration, turned to the intellectual prowess of ChatGPT, an AI platform, seeking a glimmer of guidance. Meanwhile, Rishi Sunak whimsically spun the wheel of sanctions, only to have it amusingly land on a hedgehog.

In the midst of all this, Ursula von der Leyen, stationed in Brussels, is seen taking an uncompromising stance on matters of salads and wolfhounds.

Originating from the depths of the Kremlin’s grasp, the video first unfolded within the confines of the Oval Office, where an AI-generated Biden vehemently declared, “No, no, no, that’s bull. We need fresh ideas, stronger and more effective,” dramatically discarding documents and repeatedly colliding his head with the unyielding wall.

Later, Scholz appears diligently typing “ideas for sanctions against Russia” into the ChatGPT platform.

EU ambassadors gathered to engage in heated deliberations over the 11th package of economic measures meticulously crafted to target Russia. These measures, introduced by the European Commission back in April, served as a contentious topic of debate. Kyiv passionately advocated for stricter sanctions, aimed at stemming the relentless flow of components utilised in Russian missiles, adamantly asserting that obstructing their transfer was a more economically prudent strategy than fortifying anti-aircraft systems against their deployment.

In a world where the most sophisticated of deepfake videos seamlessly blur the demarcation between reality and fiction, Moscow’s latest propaganda foray wielded a metaphorical sledgehammer, obliterating any semblance of distinction.

Recent times bore witness to an intensified disinformation campaign orchestrated by the Kremlin. Revelations unveiled Russia’s responsibility for disseminating falsified news stories, meticulously crafted to install a sense of dread within the French populace, alleging that the nation was plagued by a radioactive cloud precipitated by British weaponry supplied to Ukraine.

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This audacious disinformation scheme entailed cloning prominent Western newspaper websites, ingeniously engineered to erode support for Ukraine, as disclosed by Catherine Colonna, the French foreign minister.

The magnitude of the campaign manifested in no less than 49 fabricated articles mimicking the esteemed Le Parisien, complemented by seven concocted pieces targeted at 20 Minutes, a freely distributed newspaper, with a solitary composition dedicated to both Le Monde and Le Figaro.

Adding to the ever-growing tapestry of deception, Russia itself fell prey to a nefarious deepfake video. This insidious creation showcased what appeared to be a presidential decree of martial law, disseminated across multiple Russian radio and television networks. The Kremlin, grappling with this unsettling incident, promptly attributed it to a malicious hacking endeavor.

In February of last year, von der Leyen’s declaration reverberated across the European Union, decreeing the ban of RT, Sputnik, and their affiliates from operating within the union’s 27 member states. The far-reaching consequences of this ban permeated even into the United Kingdom, as RT, reliant on EU companies for its signal feed, faced an enforced blockade on British shores.

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