Rapist caused victim to pass out and attacked another victim armed with machete

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A sadistic rapist subjected two women to sickening sex assaults where he threatened them with knives.

Mark Newton, 29, sat on one of his victims and said he would blind her with a cigarette.

Newcastle Crown Court heard Newton, from Annfield Plain in County Durham “posed a high risk of causing serious harm to women”.

Prosecutor Gavin Doig said during another incident he caused the woman to pass out after putting one hand on her mouth and the other around her neck until she lost consciousness.

Mr Doig said Newton threatened another victim while armed with a machete, Chronicle Live reports.

In a statement read to the court, the first victim said the ordeal had “had a massive impact on my life, physically and mentally” and left her feeling she couldn’t be in her house alone.

The second victim said she had feared for her life and was “afraid to be in my own house”.

In mitigation, the court heard Newton had attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and the offending was “brought about by periods of frustration” when he “had difficulty in controlling his behaviour” due to his ADHD “coupled with drug misuse”.

The defendant pleaded guilty to one count of rape and two counts of assault causing actual bodily harm against one woman. He also admitted controlling and coercive behaviour, assault by penetration and threats to kill against another.

The judge, Recorder Mark McKone, sentenced Newton to 14 years and three months behind bars, with an extended licence period of five years.

He told the defendant: “I do find you are a dangerous offender. You pose a high risk of causing serious harm to women.

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“Your wish to degrade both women was extreme. You grabbed both women by the throat, threatened both women with a knife and threatened extreme violence.

“The pre-sentence report suggests you took no responsibility at all. You described the victims as psychos and their evidence as “a load of s***.”

“I have formed the view you believe you did nothing wrong and pleaded guilty to gain an advantage.”

If you or somebody you know has been affected by this story, contact Victim Support for free, confidential advice on 0845 30 30 900 or visit their website, www.victimsupport.org.uk.

  • Crime
  • Knife Crime
  • Courts

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