Putin ‘may still seek revenge on Wagner boss’ after failed mutiny – CIA

Yevgeny Prigozhin says Wagner will ‘be here in Belarus for some time’

The Director of the CIA revealed key insights into Russian President Vladimir Putin’s approach towards Yevgeny Prighozin, the leader of the notorious Wagner mercenary group.

According to CIA head William Burns, Putin appears to be employing calculated tactics to buy time while determining his next move in response to Prighozin’s recent mutiny in Russia.

The mutiny exposed vulnerabilities in Putin’s power structure, raising concerns within Russia’s leadership.

Speculation surrounds Putin’s potential retribution against Prighozin, who has been spotted moving between Belarus and Russia.

Despite the challenges posed by the mutiny, the Wagner group retains its strategic value for Russia in regions like Africa, Libya, and Syria.

READ MORE: Inside Putin’s ‘sick’ troll factory headed by Wagner chief Prigozhin

Putin is likely to seek ways to separate the group from its leader while plotting his next steps carefully, claimed Burns.

He told the Aspen Security Forum: “What we are seeing is a very complicated dance.

“Putin is someone who generally thinks that revenge is a dish best served cold.

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“In my experience, Putin is the ultimate apostle of payback so I would be surprised if Prigozhin escapes further retribution.”

Earlier this month, US President Joe Biden claimed there was a risk the Wagner boss could be poisoned.

The US President said: “If I were he I’d be careful what I ate. I’d keep my eye on my menu.”

Echoing his theory, Burns added: “If I were Prigozhin, I wouldn’t fire my food taster.”

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