Policeman who murdered George Floyd rushed to hospital after prison stabbing

Derek Chauvin jailed for 270 months over George Floyd’s murder

Derek Chauvin has been brutally stabbed in prison by another inmate on Friday.

The former Minneapolis police officer was convicted in the 2020 murder of George Floyd

The stabbing, which took place at around 12.30pm yesterday at the Federal Correctional Institution, Tucson, Arizona, left Chauvin with serious injuries, according to a law enforcement officials familiar with the incident.

Chauvin’s murder of Floyd sparked nationwide Black Lives Matter protests across the world in the summer of 2020.

The US Bureau of Prisons said employees at the prison contained the incident and performed “life-saving measures” on an inmate.

According to the agency, the inmate was taken to a local hospital for further evaluation and treatment.

The 47-year-old was sentenced to a 21-year federal sentence for federal civil rights charges and a 22.5-year sentence for the state-level charge of second-degree murder – the prison time is being served simultaneously.

He was sent to FCI Tucson from a maximum-security Minnesota state prison in August 2022

Chauvin’s lawyer, Eric Nelson, warned last year that his client should be kept away from other prisoners amid fears for his safety.

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This comes as Chauvin is currently trying to overturn his federal civil rights conviction.

Earlier in November, the former police officer said he wouldn’t have pleaded guilty in 2021 if he was aware of the theories of a pathologist from Kansas about the case.

The incident marks the second incident at the prison in around a year. In November 2022, an inmate at the prison’s low-security camp attempted to shoot a visitor in the head, but the weapon was misfired.

The incident comes as Chauvin is trying to make another attempt to overturn the federal civil rights conviction.

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Chauvin said in a filing earlier this month that he wouldn’t have pleaded guilty in 2021 if he was aware of the theories of a pathologist from Kansas, whom he’s now in contact with.

Mr Floyd died in May 2020 after Chauvin pressed a knee on his neck for more than nine minutes on the street outside a convenience store in Minneapolis, where he was suspected of trying to pass counterfeit money.

The murder, which was recorded by a passer-by, filmed Mr Floyd saying “I can’t breathe” multiple times.

Three other former officers received lesser state and federal sentences for their roles in Mr Floyd’s death.

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