Policeman probed over claims he has ‘multiple wives and girlfriends’

A police chief has been placed on administrative leave pending an investigation after allegations surfaced online that he has multiple wives and girlfriends who knew nothing about each other.

Jason Collier, chief of the Stinnett Police Department, in Texas, US, was accused by Cecily Steinmetz of living a "double/triple life" with at least two girlfriends while being married with four kids.

MS Steinmetz, 39, wrote the allegations in a Facebook post, shared on Tuesday, January 26, which has since gone viral with 25,000 comments and it has been shared 31,000 times.

The post alleges: "Chief Jason Collier is living a double/triple life. I was his girlfriend until yesterday.

"He lied to me and presented me with fake annulment documents when I found out he was married.

"I also found out about a 2nd girlfriend, Kristi, last night. He has lied to us, our children, and asked us both to marry him.

"He is a poor representative of your town. He would also visit me in Amarillo when he was on shift.

"We just returned from vacation in Taos on Sunday – meanwhile, his other GF was told he was on work assignment in Portland, OR."

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But the post also seems to have drawn the attention of Collier's other alleged lovers, with others commented on it claiming the police chief was in fact in a relationship with them, or someone they knew.

One of the responses read: "This guy is married to my friend Chloe. They have a two-year-old and another on the way.

"He's a police officer?? Umm… He is supposed to be in Iraq on deployment."

Another person wrote: "Yep same damn thing! Didn't propose but kept telling me he loved me! Was talking about the future, moving away to Wyoming."

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Collier has now been placed on administrative leave and an investigation has been launched.

City Manager Durk Downs said in a statement: "The City of Stinnett is aware of the current situation surrounding the Chief of Police Jason Collier.

"The city is taking this seriously and will be looking into any violations of city policy.

"Chief Jason Collier has been placed on administrative leave while the city investigates possible violations of city employment policy.

"As per city policy, we will refrain from commenting on any personal issues of personnel in a public forum."

Collier was on the board of a Texas-based religious organization – "Our Brothers Keeper" – with his wife.

The organisation was founded by Weslee Bolton.

In a statement on Wednesday, January 27, Bolton said two board members voluntarily resigned – but it was not clear whether he was referring to Collier and his wife.

Bolton said in a statement: "Without going into great detail or addressing any comments, concerns, or rumors I have been made aware of an ongoing situation involving two members that have asked to step down from the board of directors.

"I will not address any specific questions or entertain any questions regarding these matters."

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