ISIS-obsessed teacher may have been 'planning an attack on the Queen'

ISIS-obsessed teacher, 31, who was grooming pupils to become London terror attack ‘death squad’ may have been ‘planning an attack on the Queen’ – as he is banned from teaching

  • Haque had planned attacks on a number of targets across London
  • He thought it would be ‘easy’ to recruit pupils from east London schools 

A teacher who was jailed for 25 years for grooming pupils to become terrorists has been banned from the classroom today.

New evidence revealed by teaching watchdogs has found that Umar Haque, who was 25 when he was jailed in 2015, may have been planning an attack on the late Queen.

Haque, who had been ‘fanatical’ about ISIS, had plans to create a London-based ‘death squad’ made up of pupils from a fee-paying independent Muslim school in Leyton, east London.

He was jailed for 25 years to life and had to be dragged from the dock in mid-rant about the end of ‘Western domination’.

Today, Haque was struck off for life after being allowed to appear before teaching watchdogs for the first day of the misconduct hearing into his behaviour.

ISIS-obsessed teacher, Umar Haque (pictured) was today struck off from entering a classroom again

A Walther P99 pistol (pictured) was found by police when his property was raided

Haque targeted a number of locations in London including Tower Bridge and Parliament

He told the shocked panel: ‘It does not bother me an inch that the Teaching Regulation Agency seek to impose upon me a lifetime ban from teaching for indeed I will merely be re-employed by The Islamic Caliphate (The Islamic State) in the future’.

READ MORE: ISIS-obsessed teacher who trained pupils to become London terror attack ‘death squad’ is dragged from dock denouncing the West on his way to begin life sentence 

He refused to appear for day two and three of the hearing and refused to be represented so his teaching career was decided as he remained in his prison cell.

In his absence the TRA found: ‘It was clear that Mr Haque’s conduct demonstrated a lack of tolerance and/or hatred on the grounds of race/religion and/or the undermining of fundamental British values.

‘The panel also noted Mr Haque’s own statements during the hearing, as well as his letter contained in the bundle which do not align with fundamental British values.

‘The panel also considered the evidence in the bundle where references were made to an attack on the Queen together with videos being shown where red passports were being burnt.

In 2018, The Central Criminal Court had been told the teacher tried to raise an army of ‘junior jihadis’ ready to attack London.

Haque, now 31, formerly of Forest Gate, East London, made children aged between 11 and 14 act out battles between police and the ISIS fighters he idolised while teaching at Ripple Road Mosque in Barking

Haque drew up a list of targets in the capital including Heathrow Airport, Parliament, Big Ben and the Westfield shopping centre to terrorise innocents.

He also noted that gay clubs were ‘definitely’ among 30 targets and blasted ‘mass fornication and illicit behaviour’ when questioned by police.

But the hypocrite was also trawling the internet for transsexual prostitutes.

Chilling notes of Haque’s plans reveal he hoped to have 100 ‘fighters’ for his terror attacks

He said ‘recruitment should be easy across Newham / Tower Hamlets’ and needed 10 ‘soldiers’

Another handwritten note by Haque shows his plans

Today the Teaching Regulation Agency (TRA) found Haque has behaved in an equally shocking way while teaching at The Lantern of Knowledge School, London

He was employed as a Maktab class, Physical Education class and General Supervision Teacher at the Lantern of Knowledge School from around July 2015 to 11 January 2016.

They were shown a video of one lad, referred to only as Pupil A, telling Counter Terrorism Officers how Mr Haque began teaching him when he was in Year 9.

The TRA said: ‘He stated that Mr Haque was calm during lessons but would talk about ISIS and terrorism incidents on the news concerning ISIS around once or twice a week.

The youngsters, aged 11 to 14, were radicalised in this marquee next to a mosque in Barking

Haque had this gruesome-looking knife stashed away in his car, wrapped in paper

‘Child A described this as unusual, as no other teacher spoke about such topics. Child A also submitted that Mr Haque showed pupils a video on a projector from YouTube but did not explain the video.

‘Child A stated that the video started with four to five people with guns and ammunition and included the burning of red passports in a fire.

Timeline of Umar Haque’s plot to unleash terror on London’s streets

Umar Haque had access to 250 children at two independent schools and a mosque over the course of five years.

2012: The administrator and self-styled teacher gets a job at the fee-paying independent Hafs Academy in Newham, east London. 

It’s latest Ofsted report of 2016 says it is ‘inadequate’ and highlights ‘safeguarding’ issues and a failure to complete checks on new staff.

April 2015 to January 2016: Haque works at the Lantern of Knowledge, fee-paying independent Muslim school in Leyton, east London. It is given an ‘outstanding’ rating by Ofsted at the time.

2016-2017: Haque is heavily involved in administration and teaching at the Ripple Road mosque in Barking where he trains children for terror attacks and swears them to secrecy. The Charity Commission is investigating.

April 11 2016: Haque is stopped at Heathrow Airport attempting to board a flight to Istanbul in Turkey. Counter-terrorism police and MI5 investigate. 

His phone is seized and found to contain a large number of searches for terrorist attacks and executions.

May 11 2016: Haque’s passport is revoked under royal prerogative to prevent him travelling abroad.

January 24 2017: He is stopped by police for driving with no insurance.

March 26 2017: The first evidence arises where Haque, in conversation with Muhammad Abid, boasts about radicalising 16 children. The bugged evidence also reveals he is inspired by the Westminster Bridge attack.

May 17 2017: All four defendants are arrested and charged a few days later.

June 2017: The Department for Education orders an emergency Ofsted inspection which finds the Lantern of Knowledge ‘does not meet all of the independent school standards’.

August 3 2017: Haque is found guilty of the driving offence and disqualified from driving.

November 21 2017: Haque is further charged with attempting to radicalised children.

January-February 2018: Haque and his alleged helpers go on trial at the Old Bailey on a raft of terrorism charges.

Police reveal the 25-year-old attempted to radicalise 110 children.

‘Child A further submitted that the video showed ‘people having found someone and chopping his head off with a knife or sword’.

‘There was also a black flag, which Child A described as ‘the ISIS one’, which Mr Haque said he had at home.

‘Child A also noted that at one point, a student shouted that someone was coming; Mr Haque then turned the video off and told the pupils not to tell anyone that he showed the video.’

On 25 May 2017, Mr Haque, along with three co-defendants, was charged and subsequently convicted of offences under the Terrorism Act 2006. In summary, over a period of two months between March to May 2017,

Maxine Cole, who chaired the Teaching Regulation Agency hearing in Coventry, said: ‘His conduct ran counter to what should have been at the very core of his practice as a teacher with a duty of care towards children.

‘By virtue of his position, Mr Haque was in a position of trust and responsibility in relation to his pupils. He abused that position.’

‘Mr Haque planned a variety of differing styles of attack with either the direct or indirect assistance of his associates.

‘During the course of the police investigation and subsequent criminal trial, evidence was gathered and presented to the court which demonstrated that, whilst employed in a teaching role, Mr Haque had intentionally exposed his pupils to extremist material to inculcate them with the ideology of Islamic State and persuade them into action in due course.

‘It is thought that Mr Haque had contact with upwards of 220 children during this time, between the ages of nine to 16 years old.

‘Fifty-five children, aged between 11 to 14 years old, were identified as having been exposed to extremism and attempts at radicalisation.’

The watchdogs ruled Mr Haque’s actions ‘raised obvious and significant public and child protection concerns’.

Ms Cole added: ‘The panel also considered the potential consequences of a teacher with extremist views, who should be acting as a role model, being around pupils that are at an age where they are forming their views of how the world behaves.

‘Similarly, the panel considered that public confidence in the profession could be seriously weakened if conduct such as that found against Mr Haque was not treated with the utmost seriousness when regulating the conduct of the profession.’

Banning him from teaching for life, Marc Cavey, for the Education Secretary, underlined: ‘The finding of misconduct is particularly serious as it concerns convictions for engaging in conduct in preparation for terrorist acts and engaging in preparatory acts with the intention of assisting others to commit acts of terrorism.

‘They also involve exposing children to extremist material, including video images featuring beheading/

‘The panel also noted the evidence in the bundle that suggested some of the children were scared during these lessons and reported having flashbacks which is evidently unacceptable.’

It was also agreed there would be a high risk of Mr Haque repeating this type of behaviour in the future given Haque’s comments made to the panel.

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