Hero Simon’s fury as Argentina’s leader renews claim to Falklands

Speaking on the conflict’s 40th anniversary, Alberto Fernandez said the UK should be “ashamed” for still having the British Overseas Territory.

But Mr Weston, 60, who served with the Welsh Guards, said the islands had “nothing to do with Argentina”.

He added: “It’s hard to steal something when they [Argentina] never owned it. It’s hard for them to justify any of their words.”

“There are enough veterans around today who would be seriously upset.”

Mr Weston suffered 46 per cent burns when his troop ship Sir Galahad was bombed.

He claimed: “Their politicians are so corrupt. Why inflict that on the islanders when there’s prosperity and business?”

“Things are far better for islanders under the British than they would be under the Argentines.”

Earlier President Fernandez told the BBC: “In the 21st century, the English must be ashamed of themselves for having a colony. It’s disgusting. It’s stolen land.”

“They are usurped lands and oppressed people.”

But Scottish Conservative MSP Sir Edward Mountain branded the comments “disappointing”.

He added: “I was serving at the time and saw my friends and colleagues going off to protect the right of Falklanders to remain British. I never want to see that happen again.”

Argentina claims it inherited the Falklands from the Spanish Crown in the 1800s.

Britain forced Buenos Aires to surrender after the 1982 invasion.

In 2013 the islanders voted overwhelmingly to remain British.

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