‘Gobsmacked’ gran enjoying a curry finds sink plug baked into onion bhaji

A gran was left ‘gobsmacked’ after ordering a takeaway and finding a sink plug cooked into an onion bhaji.

The woman, 65, ordered food with her family from two restaurants in Bristol, one Indian and one Meditteranean, after being split on what they wanted to eat.

And as they tucked into their dinner, her ‘starving’ grandson was given a fright as he discovered a sink plug with green string covered in batter among their order.

The family promptly complained to the restaurant, Garam Masala, and the culprit responsible for the mishap has since been fired, reports Bristol Live.

The gran said: “The food from both was supposed to come at 7pm, but the Garam Masala one came before 6pm. That was fine. We could just warm it up when the rest came.

“We’ve used Garam Masala many times before and never had any reason to be unhappy, apart from the random delivery times, but we’ve got used to that. We’ve never had any bad food from there.

“There were potato peelings in the rice which made me wonder what on earth was going on.

“My grandson was Starvin’ Marvin as usual, and trying to have his food before anyone else. He was saying, ‘I can’t cut the onion bhaji.’

“I was saying, ‘It’s fine, it’s just dried in the oven.’ Then I thought – hang on, there’s something black in there.

“When I saw that it was a plug, I was absolutely gobsmacked. I just couldn’t believe it. It made me wonder if someone was not very happy in the kitchen that night.”

The order from Garam Masala, which included rice, naan breads and the botched bhaji, cost the family £17.99.

And, furious with the quality of the product she received, the seething customer immediately phoned the restaurant to complain.

She added: “I looked back and to my horror my grandson was eating the other onion bhaji. He’s not a very fussy eater.

“When I rang the restaurant and said there’s a plug in there, the manager said that wasn’t possible.

“I was very disappointed and surprised. I asked him to have a think about what he could do, and get back to me.

“He didn’t call me back for over an hour. I called him again and he said, ‘Sorry, I’ve been busy. If you want a refund you have to go through JustEat.’

“By the time I dealt with the plug, I’d totally lost my appetite, so I didn’t eat much of my dinner from the Mediterranean.”

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After complaining directly to JustEat, the customer has since received a full refund but has understandably lost her appetite for takeaway food.

“I didn’t hear back from the restaurant directly, which I was really disappointed about,” she said.

“I could understand they were busy on the Saturday, but I thought I’d hear back on the Sunday.

“I thought they’d ring the next day and ask if everyone was alright, and check no one had been ill – but there was nothing.

“To be perfectly honest, I’ve gone right off the idea of takeaways now.”

The manager of the restaurant has since apologised for what he insists was a mistake and has revealed that the employee responsible for preparing the bhajis has been sacked.

“We follow the procedure and if there is human error, there are things that cannot be controlled sometimes,” he said.

“It shouldn’t happen but we are really, really sorry for that. We have already taken the precautions and done all the things that need to be done.

“Environmental health came in and said they are happy with us. Food has never been made in the sink. We make it in a bowl.

“Sometimes we make 50, 60, 100 portions at once. It’s a big amount of onions to mix with ground flour, and when we’re mixing it needs water. Somehow, the plug has dropped in.”

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