Frexit NOW! Macron doing ‘EU’s dirty job’ as demands surge for France to leave NEXT YEAR

Frexit: Expert fires warning about leaving euro

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Brexit, which saw the UK finally complete its full departure from the EU on December 31, has seen campaigners from several other countries, predominantly France and Italy, ramp up their own pressure on Brussels. The EU had been locked in an 11-month transition period with the EU last year but has now freed itself from the bloc’s rules around the Customs Union and Single Market. Boris Johnson has basked in the glory of Brexit, boasting how the UK has now “taken back control” and continues to insist the nation will quickly flourish with its new-found powers outside of the EU.

But pressure is now starting to ramp up on Mr Macron amid campaigners’ calls for the country to hold its own referendum on membership with the EU.

The French President is a vocal supporter of the EU and with the departure from frontline politics of German Chancellor Angela Merkel this year, will be seen as a leading figurehead for the bloc.

However ahead of the Presidential elections in May 2022, Mr Macron’s popularity appears to be sliding at a crucial time.

A poll carried out by the Odoxa institut, conducted online from February 3-4 and quizzing 1,005 French adults, showed 81 percent of people believe Mr Macron’s centre-right government “does not know where it is going” in terms of Covid planning.

Charles-Henri Gallois, president of the Generation Frexit political campaign group, has launched a scathing attack against Mr Macron and what he claims are EU policies that have been forced onto the French people.

He told “Macron has never been very popular. He does the EU’s dirty job.

“I mean that there was no enthusiasm for him. He has always been elected by default.

“Well, as the previous ones before him, he does the EU policy.

“This is not the policy that French people want.

“They are aware that whether they vote left or wrong they have the same policy.

“The good answer is to understand that it comes from the EU and it will be the same if we stay inside.”

Mr Gallois continued: “The Covid crisis has really shown that we need our sovereignty back. EU policies are a disaster for France.

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“There is of course the vaccine rollout fiasco but it’s not the only thing.

“The EU Commission has always put pressure on our health system to reduce costs and has given the green light for relocations and deindustrialisation.

“We have paid a high price for these policies: we were not able to produce masks or medicines and we did not have enough hospital beds to face this crisis.

“The French are each time more aware that we need this sovereignty.

“It won’t happen if we don’t have Frexit as it’s carved in stone in EU treaties.”

Frexit campaigner Mr Gallois continues to insist France can beat Italy to be the next country to follow the UK out of the EU, mainly because of the political turmoil in Rome.

He believes Mr Macron will not bow to Frexit pressure this year but if he was to be defeated in next year’s Presidential elections, and replaced by a democrat, a rapid departure from the EU could become a distinct possibility.

The Generation Frexit president continued: “This year, Frexit would be difficult as I don’t see Macron organising a referendum just before the presidential election.

“It’s more likely to happen in 2022 or 2023 if one democrat wins the presidential election and dares organising this referendum.

“Regardless of the outcome, we will put as much pressure as we can on all the candidates to get this referendum.”

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