Florida high school under fire for editing yearbook photos of students

Prude patrol! Parents blast Florida high school for editing at least 60 ‘inappropriate’ yearbook photos of female students in a bid to make their outfits more conservative

  • Officials at Bartram Trail High School in St. John reportedly edited over 60 ‘inappropriate’ snaps in their 2021 yearbook
  • Most of the photos featured female students, with their outfits edited to make them more conservative 
  • The school is now facing allegations of sexism, and parents are demanding an apology  

The parents of Florida high school students are demanding an apology after their daughters’ yearbook photos were edited to cover up their chests 

Officials at Bartram Trail High School in St. John reportedly ordered more than 60 snaps in their 2021 yearbook to be photoshopped because they were ‘inappropriate’. 

A majority of the pictures that were edited featured female students, and the school is now facing allegations of sexism. 

Several photos leaked to the internet shows that girls’ shirts were photoshopped to bring their necklines higher. However, photos of boys in skimpy speedos were left unedited. 

The parents of  Bartram Trail High School students are demanding an apology after their daughters’ yearbook photos were edited to cover up their chests. Ninth-grader Riley O’Keefe is seen in the original (left) and edited (right) photos

‘I felt confident that day and I looked good, in dress code’: Ninth-grader Zoe Iannone similarly had her yearbook snap edited. Before (left) and after (right)

Ninth-grader Riley O’Keefe says she was left stunned when she saw her outfit had been altered in the printed edition of the yearbook, particularly because it had been approved by the school before she had her photo taken. 

O’Keefe’s mom, Stephanie, told First Coast News Friday: ‘Yesterday she happened to be wearing the shirt again so after school, we went up to the school and asked if she was in dress code and they said yes. 

‘So, my next question was if the shirt is in dress code and is good enough for school and your school ID, why is it not enough for the yearbook?’

Other students say they have been left feeling ‘sexualized’ by the school, claiming the outfits they were wearing were not inappropriate in any way. 

‘I felt confident that day and I looked good, in dress code,’ ninth grader Zoe Iannone told Action News Jax. 

‘When I sent it to my mom and all of us saw it, I felt very sexualized.’

Another of the edited images is seen above. Parents are now demanding an apology 

The school has purportedly told parents that they can request a refund if they are not happy with the yearbook. 

But one irate mom says getting her money back doesn’t go far enough. 

‘Our daughters of Bartram deserve an apology,’ she stated. ‘They are making them feel embarrassed about who they are.’ 

It’s not the first time photoshop has been used in a high school yearbook. 

Back in 2017, a New Jersey high school hit headlines after officials edited out a Donald Trump t-shirt a male student was wearing in his yearbook snap. 

Bartram Trail High School in St. John is pictured 

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