Crazed gran bit part of friend’s finger off after whisky and wine sesh

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A gran who bit off her friend's fingertip after the pair fell to the ground wrestling in a drunken fight has been spared jail.

Mansis Bandi, 50, had been drinking wine and whisky when her longtime friend confronted her at a party in Melbourne, Australia.

The mum-of-four wrestled her former pal to the ground and as they did so, punched and scratched each other before Bandi bit down on her friend's left ring finger.

Victoria's County Court heard the victim was taken to hospital where she had to have part of her finger amputated.

Bandi left the function and went to police herself, claiming she had been pulled out of her car by her hair, bitten herself and had a piece of wood swung at her.

She also claimed she had been immobilised and trapped underneath her friend when she bit her finger.

The mum told police: "Look I don't feel good, I feel bad I caused that much injury."

Judge George Georgiou said Bandi didn't provoke the incident and was acting in what she thought was self-defence.

He also found the circumstances to be exceptional and said it did not warrant jail time.

The judge added that Bandi had contributed to the community in Victoria significantly since she came to Australia in 2003.

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Bandi previously pleaded guilty to recklessly causing serious injury after other charges were dropped following an aborted trial.

Judge Georgiou handed Bandi an adjourned undertaking for three years and was ordered to be of good behaviour.

She must also make a $300 (£168) donation to a charity.

Bandi and her former friend are both from Papua New Guinea and have known each other for most of their lives.

Their relationship began to sour in 2016 because the friend did not approve of Bandi's relationship.

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