Brit faces jail after breaking quarantine to meet girlfriend three times

A Brit breached a stay at home order and sneaked out of his hotel room at the Ritz-Carlton to meet his fiancée on another floor.

Nigel Skea, 52, left his luxury hotel room in Singapore without wearing a mask on three occasions on September 21 2020.

During the final breach, Nigel sneaked out at 2.40am and walked up the stairs to meet his fiancee, Agatha Maghesh Eyamalai, 39.

Agatha was not subject to a stay at home notice at the time but had opened an emergency exit door to allow Skea to gain access to her room.

SS Dhillon, the couple's lawyer, told the court: "This is a classic tale of two lovers wanting to be together and trying to be as close as possible to each other."

Skea, who reportedly got engaged to Eyamalai in November 2020, was also found to have not been wearing a mask, which is required in Singapore by law.

He pleaded guilty to breaking Singapore's strict coronavirus rules at the state court near Marina Bay.

Eyamalai also pleaded guilty to abetting him, The Straits Times reported.

Skea and Eyamalai will face sentencing on February 26 2021, with quarantine violations carrying a maximum of six months behind bars and a fine of S$10,00 (£5,439).

In the past, Singapore has jailed and fined others for breaking COVID-19 rules, while some foreigners have also had their work permits revoked.

Stay at home notice’s are handed to travellers visiting Singapore and are dependent on where the individual has flown from and is going to.

Under the guidelines, Nigel was handed a two-week stay at home notice.

He had the option to carry out the SHN either at home or in government-mandated facilities.

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