Brexit Britain ‘lost unbelievable opportunity’ of shaping EU bloc as Boris pushed to leave

UK 'lost an unbelievable opportunity with Brexit' says Renzi

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Former Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi claimed that he was saddened by Brexit and the opportunities lost by Britain. While speaking on the shift in leader in Italian politics, he reflected on the future of Brexit Britain going forward without the EU. Sky News’ Adam Boulton asked Mr Renzi what his opinion was of Prime Minister Boris Johnson. 

Mr Renzi admitted that he considered Boris Johnson a friend and had worked with im as they both shared time as mayors.

However, he was saddened by his push for Brexit.

Mr Renzi said: “I worked with Boris Johnson when he was mayor and I was mayor.

“I was mayor of Florence and he was the mayor of the great city of London.

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“I appreciated his job as mayor then he became the national leader in a position I didn’t appreciate.

“This is because I was so sad for the decision of Brexit so I have a lot of respect but I didn’t agree with his position of Brexit.

“Now that Brexit is done there is a new challenge for the UK.

“I think the decision was a mistake from my friend Boris Johnson but the love I have for him…I wish him a great deal of good luck for the life out of the EU.

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“Personally I am so sad because I think we lost an opportunity as Europeans and I think you, as British people, lost an unbelievable opportunity.”

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