Booze producers go green by making Brits' favourite tipples more eco-friendly

BEER and spirits are being made more environmentally friendly to help save the planet.

Brewers and distillers are finding innovative ways to cut the harm their industry causes to the environment.

Initiatives include slashing the amount of water used, hydrogen-powered production, recyclable bottles and a refillable rum station.

One producer even reckons it has produced England’s first carbon-negative gin.

James Grundy, who runs the water-efficient, renewables- powered Small Beer Brew in South London, said: “We’re all aware of the pressures being put on our planet.

“We need to be making a stand.”

The drive for greener boozing has been boosted by a £10million government pot, funding 17 eco-friendly projects.

Elsewhere, Brewdog is promising to plant a million trees — one for every multipack sold.

And founders of Wildjac distillery, Aster and Chris Sadler, are giving away a packet of seeds with every bottle.

Trade body UK Spirits Alliance hailed the successes but said: “We need the Government continuing to back investment.”

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