Beautiful little Disney city that’s one of the best places to visit at Christmas

Do you want to build a snowman? Well, the absolutely stunning Disney city of Bergen, in Norway, could be exactly the place to visit this Christmas.

The little city is known as the inspiration for Arandelle, the magical kingdom in Disney’s Frozen.

And there is plenty to do at Christmas – such as its famous Festival of Light and its proud status as the world’s largest gingerbread town where residents contribute to a ginormous edible artwork.

Forbes, recently included it on list of ‘10 Highly Recommended Destinations For A Truly Memorable Holiday Trip’.

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It said: “Bergen, Norway, known as the inspiration for Arandelle, the magical kingdom in Frozen, and also as the world’s biggest gingerbread town.”

And tourists to the destination agree, sharing their experiences on TripAdvisor – a review website for keen travellers and tourists.

Bryggen Hanseatic Wharf is located in the heart of the city and many reviewers were blown away by what it had to offer.

One said: “Bergen is absolutely the most beautiful city in Norway. The harbour is fantastic with a great atmosphere, a lot of restaurants.”

Another agreed, saying the wharf was a must visit. They said: “Got to be 5 star – you really must visit this spectacular area of Bergen. 

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“You can even get the chance of watching some master craftsmen repairing a couple of the buildings.”

“This historical part of town is the most picturesque area of the city,” said another.

They added: “The residents clearly take pride in maintaining this area not only for tourists but as a link to their historical traditions.”

Thanks to Bergen’s UNESCO Heritage Site status it is often thought as one of the most beautiful locations in the world. 

It is located on the west coast of Norway and has a population of roughly 289,330. 

It’s the second-largest city in Norway after the country’s capital Oslo. The city centre and northern neighbourhoods are on Byfjorden – known as the city fjord. 

It is surrounded by mountains and Bergen for that reason it is also called the city of seven mountains. 

To find out more about Bergen you can visit its tourism website and Christmas guide here.

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