Beautician tracked down by 'scary' Morrisons driver offered £30

Beautician who was tracked down and contacted on Facebook by ‘scary’ Morrisons driver is offered £30 voucher by the supermarket

  • Molly, 28, from Birmingham, was contacted by a shopping delivery driver
  • He found her on Facebook and personally messaged her and liked her posts
  • She complained to the supermarket but heard nothing for three months
  • She has now been offered a £30 voucher and an apology by Morrisons 

A beautician who was tracked down on Facebook and by a ‘scary’ Morrisons driver has been offered a £30 voucher in return for her ordeal.

Molly, 28, from Northfield, Birmingham, had her shopping from Morrisons delivered by an Ocado driver – but hours later he had tracked her down on Facebook, got in contact with her, and began liking a string of her previous posts.

When she realised who the man was, Molly blocked him on social media.

She contacted Morrisons about the incident but they supermarket did not take her complaint seriously, BirminghamLive reports. 

Molly, 28, is a beautician and had her shopping delivered by Ocado on behalf of Morrisons

It was reportedly only after being contacted by journalists that Morrisons apologised to Molly and offered her a £30 shopping voucher

Although they said they would investigate the incident, Molly then heard nothing from the supermarket for three months. In the meantime, she also contacted Ocado.

It was reportedly only after being contacted by journalists that Morrisons apologised to Molly and offered her a £30 shopping voucher.

She told BirminghamLive: ‘After they initially said they’d investigate, I didn’t hear anything back whatsoever. Not one call or email.

‘They only apologised and offered a £30 voucher after BirminghamLive contacted them again. It’s just added insult to injury.’

Morrisons told her: ‘Ocado has assured us that they have taken appropriate action in relation to the driver. 

‘Whilst we cannot provide detail on exactly what this action is, we can confirm that your details are no longer on his phone and that he will not deliver to you. 

Molly described the incident as ‘scary’ and said it was a ‘massive breach’ of privacy

‘I would also like to reassure you that Ocado has delivered additional policy training to all drivers.’

The email added: ‘As a further offer of apology for the poor service you have experienced when you brought this to our attention, I would like to offer you a £30 voucher with my compliments for this poor service and I will arrange for this to be sent to you.’

Describing the incident before Morrisons had apologised, Molly told how she was contacted by the driver just six hours after the delivery.

He messaged her privately on Facebook before liking lots of her posts on her profile.

She said: ‘It’s obviously a massive data breach. I live on my own, I’m a young woman. it is really scary.’ 

Morrisons said: ‘We are unable to comment on the outcome of this investigation due to GDPR but would like to again offer assurances that this incident has been taken seriously.’ 

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