70% of Daily Star readers back Piers Morgan to become Prime Minister

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A staggering 70% of Daily Star readers backed Piers Morgan to become PM after we beamed a picture of him on Parliament – in his pants!

The Good Morning Britain host said even he “slightly blanched” when he saw the image projected onto the historic building in London.

He added: “That’s not actually my body obviously. As Cristiano Ronaldo will tell you my abs are a lot more pronounced than that.’’

In an interview in 2019 the football superstar famously told Piers: “I can see you have good abdominals.’’

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Piers, 55, smiled as he read out on GMB that we were running a phone poll on whether or not he should take over from Boris Johnson in No10 after relentlessly grilling Government ministers on TV about their handling of the coronavirus crisis.

And he will be laughing out loud when he discovers the result.

Just over 70% of the hundreds of readers who took part picked him to be PM ahead of BoJo, who polled less than 30%.

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Piers’ co-host Susanna Reid, 50, was unimpressed by either the prospect of him moving into No10 – or the image of him in skimpy trunks.

“That’s a sight for sore eyes,’’ she told viewers, adding: “I would urge you not to vote for this candidate.’’

She then asked Piers if had a policy on claims Brits abroad were struggling to get hold of custard creams following Brexit.

Producing a plate stacked high with the biscuits Piers replied: “To our friends in Germany, Spain and France who cannot get their hands on our custard creams, sorry – we’ve got them all!

Piers for PM? Have your say!

The Daily Star has projected an image of Piers Morgan onto the Houses of Parliament – and we’re asking you are we ready for #PMFORPM?

Last week the Daily Star jokingly asked the question on nobody’s lips: Would PM be a better PM than our current PM?

And it seems we may have inadvertently unleashed a monster. Shy and retiring Piers – no stranger to holding our politicians to account on Good Morning Britain – leapt on the idea.

His odds were slashed from 500/1 to just 20/1 in a single day.

So, are you Team Piers or Team Bozo? Take part in our survey!

“We have a limitless supply of custard creams.

“My first act as Prime Minister is to ensure you never have your hands on them again.’’

  • Boris Johnson
  • Cristiano Ronaldo
  • Piers Morgan
  • Susanna Reid
  • Good Morning Britain
  • Brexit
  • Spain
  • London

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