‘This is not okay’: AOC slams Biden administration for reopening Texas migrant camp for children

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) slammed the Biden administration for reopening a Texas migrant camp for children, saying it “never will be okay” no matter which party controls the White House.

The firebrand lawmaker was responding on Twitter to a Washington Post report that the administration was reactivating the Carrizo Springs, Tex. facility to hold up to 700 children from ages 13 to 17 who came to the U.S. alone.

“This is not okay, never has been okay, never will be okay – no matter the administration,” AOC tweeted.

Many progressives consider the military-style camps like the one reopened in Texas as a symbol of many failed Trump policies that Biden should eradicate.

— Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) February 23, 2021This is not okay, never has been okay, never will be okay – no matter the administration or party. https://t.co/AEV7s7QQnB

But officials said the facility had to be reopened to house children who cross the border without parents, who would otherwise be left to fend for themselves.

Ocasio-Cortez argued that the U.S. must dump the paradigm of immigration as a law-enforcement problem and switch to a more humanitarian approach.

“It’s only 2 mos into this admin & our fraught, unjust immigration system will not transform in that time,” she wrote. “That’s why bold reimagination is so (important).”

The fierce advocate for undocumented immigrants has called for the abolition of the Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency and a dramatic restructuring of the Department of Homeland Security.

Biden has called on Congress to enact a wide-ranging reform plan that includes a path to citizenship for millions of undocumented immigration.

He’s also halted construction of ex-President Trump’s wall on the southern border and called for an end to Trump’s policy of separating children from their parents.

But Biden is not planning to abolish ICE or enact other far-reaching reforms that AOC and others demand, and he has not abolished major tenets of Trump’s border policies.

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