Labour accused of ‘Brexit sellout’ over ‘Remain mastermind’ Starmer ally’s vow

Angela Rayner asked about Brexit by LBC caller

Tory MPs have issued a warning that the Labour Party would bring the UK back into the EU, claiming Sir Keir Starmer “would have us rejoin immediately”.

This came after Labour Shadow Secretary of State for International Trade Nick Thomas-Symonds vowed to “tear down unnecessary trade barriers with the EU”.

Giving a speech in Washington, the MP for Torfaen pledged to “fix the holes in Boris Johnson’s Brexit deal, in a way that reasserts our shared interests”.

Tory MP David Jones said the address “underlines that Labour can’t be trusted to keep Brexit safe”, warning that the party will “happily sell Britain out”.

Meanwhile, Sir Jacob Rees-Mogg told the Express that “many senior figures in the Labour Party want to rejoin the EU by stealth”.

Fellow Conservative MP Marco Longhi agreed, claiming there is “no question that he and his MPs would have us rejoin immediately.”

Speaking to the Progressive Policy Institute in Washington, Mr Thomas-Symonds said: “We will fix the holes in Boris Johnson’s Brexit deal, in a way that reasserts our shared interests across the continent of Europe.

“That’s why we have been proud to play our part in standing with the people of Ukraine.

“We share so many priorities, from security to tackling organised crime, climate change, and addressing poverty in the Global South.

“In that spirit, we will work to tear down unnecessary trade barriers with the EU, and, in areas like AI – the great twenty-first-century scientific revolution – we know that international collaboration will be critical to establishing the guard-rails that will be necessary to ensure its development is directed for public good.”

Reacting to the comments, Mr Jones, the Deputy Chair of the eurosceptic European Research Group, told the Daily Express: “We must remember that Starmer expended a lot of effort in trying to get a second referendum.

“David Lammy, the Shadow Foreign Secretary, has said that closer links with the EU are his ‘number one priority’.

“The latest pronouncement simply underlines that Labour can’t be trusted to keep Brexit safe.

“They will happily sell Britain out.”

Sir Jacob echoed this, saying: “It is clear that many senior figures in the Labour Party want to rejoin the EU by stealth.

“This is not really a surprise as Starmer of the second referendum has always been a Europhile.”

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Meanwhile, Mr Longhi told the Express: “People should never forget that the ‘Remain’ mastermind was Keir Starmer and that a very significant majority of Labour MPs voted Remain.

“I know he likes to give people an impression that he’s a patriot, a Royalist and that he respects Brexit.

“But nothing could be further from reality.

“There is no question that he and his MPs would have us rejoin immediately.”

While Sir Keir is a Remainer and once advocated for a second referendum, he has since said he would not take the UK back into the EU.

The Labour Party has been contacted for comment.

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