Johnny Mercer’s wife hits back at Carol Vorderman in latest round of Twitter row

Carol Vorderman claims Johnny Mercer’s wife ‘harassed’ her

Johnny Mercer’s wife hit back at Carol Vorderman after the ex-Countdown star accused her of “harassment”.

Ms Vorderman, who is a vocal critic of the Conservatives, claimed she had been “harassed” on Twitter for months by Felicity Cornelius-Mercer.

The former Countdown presenter shared a reel of tweets she had been tagged in by Mrs Cornelius-Mercer.

She wrote: “I’ve been harassed by Johnny Mercer’s wife for months. This is from just one day in April and much more abuse elsewhere. I didn’t respond at all. Until he mocked military using foodbanks. She’s paid c£45k on MP expenses (+200 percent pay rise) to do this?”

Ms Vorderman also gave an LBC interview claiming the Veterans Minister’s wife of “harassing me for months on Twitter”, adding that she “almost felt like reporting her”.

READ MORE: Tories round on ‘snob’ Carol Vorderman over attack on Johnny Mercer and his wife

But Mrs Cornelius-Mercer, who is known for being outspoken on social media, insisted she was only tagging Ms Vorderman in tweets to show abuse “you send our way”.

She said: “I’m really glad you put this out Carol, as it highlights perfectly the amount of awful and unnecessary traffic you send our way telling followers to target their MPs.

“All in your supposed quest to ensure that the public hate all Tories. So I sent it all back one day.

“Feel free to stop the reel and read them. These hateful comments are sent to us as a direct result of Carol Vorderman’s drivel.

“I’ve only ever reacted to her rubbish about hating all Tories, which has been going on long before I got involved.”

It is the latest exchange in the ongoing feud between Ms Vorderman and the Mercers.

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The spat erupted when the Tory minister’s wife accused the former Countdown star of being a “celebrity attack dog” and “inciting people to hate all Tories” during an appearance on Rachel Johnson’s Difficult Women podcast earlier this month.

Ms Vorderman then questioned who would employ Mr Mercer and his wife, who manages his office, if he loses his seat at the next general election.

Sharing an Electoral Calculus prediction, she said: “Plymouth Moor View predicted Labour win at GE. Gosh, what are arrogant Johnny Mercer and his wife going to do for a joint income of £160,000+ plus enormous expenses?

“Not a degree in sight in spite of expensive private education! So who’d employ them?”

The row made it to the Commons yesterday when Conservative MP Siobhan Baillie branded Ms Vorderman’s comments about the couple not having degrees as “snobbery” and “unforgivable”.

The Stroud MP weighed in during an adjournment debate where she was making the case for how and why access to on-the-job training should be improved.

She said: “Snobbery about further education and no degree sadly continues to this day. You just have to look at Carol Vorderman’s attack on (Johnny Mercer) and his wife.”

After referencing Ms Vorderman’s tweet about their education, she said: “This is the latest example of nonsense.

“Dismissing a minister who works tirelessly for the armed forces and veterans for not having gone to university is bad enough, but deliberately being condescending about the lives of millions of people who did not go to university is absolutely unforgivable.

“I used to admire Carol Vorderman an awful lot before she decided to eat so much political hate for breakfast to get social media hits. Now, sadly, I just feel sorry for her.”

Prior to the adjournment debate on Monday, Ms Vorderman tweeted that it was “a joke” to call her an education snob.

She said: “They can’t think of anything else to have a go at…. However, I’ll let my record in education do the talking (including) helping 500,000 children with their maths during lockdown…giving bursaries for young people and schools with disadvantaged backgrounds like mine….helping Blunkett introduce the Numeracy Hour….governor of inner-city school……education books for decades…..recognised STEM Ambassador….I could go on.

“Always a believer in encouraging young people to achieve their best, in whichever way that comes around, to be strong and happy and confident. Anything else being espoused is offensive, targeted, predictable right-wing nonsense. PS Tories….this attack won’t work. It just makes us more determined.”

The ongoing Twitter row has also seen Mr Mercer brand Ms Vorderman as “grim” and a “deeply unpleasant person”.

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