‘He’s not a liar like Blair!’ BBC 5 Live caller erupts in Boris confidence vote row

5 Live callers erupt and defend Boris in confidence vote row

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BBC 5 Live caller Elizebth reacted to the announcement of a confidence vote in Boris Johnson and claimed “politicians shouldn’t [get rid of him]”. Comparing Boris Johnson to Tony Blair, she stressed the Prime Minister “is not a liar like Blair” and added “the country don’t want to get rid of him” because “he has got the big things right” for the country.

Speaking at BBC 5 Live, Elizabeth said: “We don’t want to get rid of Boris Johnson now.

‘We as a country don’t want to get rid of him.

“And they, as politicians, shouldn’t go for it [get rid of him].

“[Boris Johnson] has got the big things right.

“He saw Ukraine coming before Putin invaded them.

“He started giving them help before the invasion.

“And you know, Ukrainians think he’s great in Ukraine.

“You’re talking about lying.

“You’ve got to look at Tony Blair.

“He took us into a totally illegal war in Iraq.”

She concluded: “[Boris Johnson] is not a liar like Blair!”.

The claims came as Chairman of the backbench 1922 committee Sir Graham Brady officially announced that a confidence vote in Boris Johnson will be held tonight between 6pm and 8pm.

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He explained: “The threshold of 15 percent of the parliamentary party seeking a vote of confidence in the leader of the Conservative Party has been exceeded.

“In accordance with the rules, a ballot will be held between 18:00 and 20:00 today Monday 6th June. The votes will be counted immediately afterwards. An announcement will be made at a time to be advised”.

Following the official announcement, some cabinet ministers such as Foreign Secretary Liz Truss and Chancellor Rishi Sunak reacted to the move showing support for the Prime Minister.

In a Tweet, Ms Truss said the Prime Minister has her “100% backing in today’s vote”.

Mr Sunak also said: “I am backing him today and will continue to back him as we focus on growing the economy, tackling the cost of living and clearing the Covid backlogs”.

Speaking at LBC this morning, Labour leader Kier Starmer reacted to the confidence vote announcement and said if Boris Johnson wins the vote tonight, it will be “the beginning of the end” for him.

He said: “I think history tells us that this is the beginning of the end. If you look at the previous examples of no confidence votes, even when Conservative prime ministers survived those, he might survive it tonight, the damage is already done and usually they fall reasonably swiftly afterwards”.

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