Braverman tears apart Labour for ’empty rhetoric and endless noise’

Braverman says Labour has 'no plan' on small boats

Suella Braverman today accused Labour of having no plan to tackle the small boats crisis.

Speaking in the Commons this afternoon, the Home Secretary blasted the Opposition’s “empty rhetoric and endless noise”.

Ms Braverman was responding to shadow home secretary Yvette Cooper who claimed there is a “massive gap between the Tories’ rhetoric and reality”.

It comes after Prime Minister Rishi Sunak insisted his plan to curb Channel crossings is “starting to work” during a visit to Dover in Kent earlier.

Ms Braverman said: “I thank the right honourable lady for her extensive words. The theatrics gets even more colourful every time we meet.

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“I say words because as ever that’s all you get from the Opposition. No serious alternatives, no credible plan, just empty rhetoric and endless noise.

“Last December the Prime Minister and I set out a plan to stop the boats. Since then we’ve been working flat out to deliver that.

“What has the right honorable lady been up to? It’s hard to say. The question is will Labour ever bring forward a plan of their own? A plan with detail, a plan that delivers.

“The answer is, I’m sorry to say, they don’t have a plan and they actually don’t care that they don’t have a plan.”

Ms Braverman said the Conservatives are “dealing with the priorities of the British people”.

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She added: “So what is Labour actually doing? They’re very good at carping from the sidelines but when it comes down to it, how to do they actually act?

“They voted against every single measure we put forward to stop the boats, they would scrap our world-leading plan with Rwanda and they continue to oppose our laws to detain and remove.”

Ms Cooper said the “massive gap between the Tories’ rhetoric and reality shows the Home Secretary still has no grip on the system and this Conservative chaos is letting everyone down”.

The Labour frontbencher said: “The Prime Minister flew to Dover today to congratulate himself and to tell us that his plan is working, even though the asylum backlog he promised to clear is at a record high, decisions are down, case workers have dropped, hotel use is up, returns are still down, only 1 percent of last year’s small boat cases have been processed and 7,500 people arrived on dangerous small boats in the last few months alone.”

Ms Cooper added: “All we get is rhetoric, rhetoric while the reality gets worse. Demented assumptions, unworkable plans, empty spin.

“Instead of all the press conferences, we need a proper plan. The asylum system is broken, they broke it and there is still no plan today to sort it out.”

Elsewhere during the Commons session, Tory deputy chairman Lee Anderson called for deportation flights to Rwanda to get off the tarmac “as quickly as possible”.

He said: “Sharing rooms and barges, and relying on the French is not the answer. I think we all know, anybody with common sense in this place knows what the answer is, and that is to get the flights off to Rwanda as quickly as possible.”

Ms Braverman replied: “We have now had a Court of Appeal hearing, we await judgment from the court and as soon as we complete the full legal process, we will ensure that flights take off as soon as possible.”

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