Wisebitcoin Talks Customer Service in Crypto Exchanges

The blockchain and cryptocurrency space is infamous for its unwelcoming user experience. Despite the current bull run, most users who are just now delving into cryptocurrency applications, services, and exchanges are usually put off by the impersonal character of it all.

While this might be part of the decentralization ethos that characterizes the development of these technologies, most users do want someone to call.

Professional traders are not the exception to this rule. This is why a new decentralized crypto exchange is offering a drastic improvement in this regard.

Wisebitcoin is known for providing 24/7 support, among many other important features. The exchange has been garnering the attention of professional traders seeking a fast yet reliable trading experience. Finance Magnates sat down with Wisebitcoin’s Senior Adviser JW Cho to learn more.


Mr. Cho, thank you for taking the time to sit down with us. We are witnessing an unprecedented bull run, what are your hopes for it?

I hope for the future development of the market. The number of unique crypto wallet addresses is growing and more than 34 million wallets are currently in use.

It appears that more traders are entering secondary markets than ever before and experienced traders will resort to leverage as a way to profit from volatility.

What kind of exchange is Wisebitcoin? Can you name a few of its features?

We are a decentralized exchange that introduces three main features for professional traders. First comes asset custody and clearing technology.

Then, we count on a specially designed distributed transaction processing technology that goes hand in hand with the exchange’s high performance.

Last but not least is diversified liquidity. Exchange partners can combine orders, share liquidity, and access the depth of many well-known exchanges on the Wisebitcoin platform.

What are the key differences between Wisebitcoin and other competing exchanges?

We make it simple for investors to make successful investment decisions without having to become cryptocurrency users. Professional traders can come to Wisebitcoin to buy futures in any crypto asset while benefiting from unparalleled customer support, deep liquidity, and high security standards.

What are the system and cloud connection upgrades that Wisebitcoin implemented after its beta launch in 2018?

In 2018, we made headlines for being the first crypto exchange to offer 1:20 leverage. This made our user base grow exponentially since margin trading was very new at the time. Most exchanges only offered it on a limited basis.

Since then, Wisebitcoin has integrated a cloud-based platform that improves the exchange’s functionality. It also connects us to the cloud’s 12 million users around the globe. Obviously, this is great for liquidity.

How does Wisebitcoin manage to offer 100X leverage on contract trading?

We amplify the upside potential by allowing greater leverage. In regards to derivatives trading Also, perpetual swaps enable traders to buy or sell the value of an underlying asset while maintaining unique benefits when it comes to derivatives trading.

These benefits are no expiry dates, never holding the asset, and swaps that track the underlying price making them easy to short.

The platform integrates the benefits of spot and futures trading by offering a perpetual trading venue for USDT-Swap and Coin-Swap in the futures exchange.

Wisebitcoin even allows professional traders to use high leverage without worrying about futures contract expiration dates.

What’s it like to use your exchange? What kind of experience would a professional trader have?

Not every exchange can provide the solutions that professional cryptocurrency traders need. On Wisebitcoin there are more than 100 trading pairs, and over 30 cryptocurrencies deposits and withdrawals.

We provide spot trading on over 50 cryptocurrencies including BTC, USDT, and ETH. We also offer coin swaps in the futures exchange and perpetual trading for USDT swaps.

Another thing to note is that all withdrawals on Wisebitcoin are automatic.

What role do you think customer service plays in a field like crypto, which is known for poor user experience?

Despite being a decentralized exchange, using Wisebitcoin is just like using the more popular yet less secure centralized exchanges. The user interface is intuitive and straightforward.

Professional traders are also supported by a multicultural team of finance professionals who are available around the clock for the highest level of customer service. Each trader is aided by a dedicated sales manager through live chat or phone call.

Wisebitcoin’s appeal comes from combining this with usability, deep liquidity, and robust security.

Tell us about Wisebitcoin’s affiliate program.

Wisebitcoin gives affiliates commissions at more than double the rate of other exchanges; $2.10 to be precise. We also provide tools like website management, commissions management, CRM, advertising, and white label solutions that help affiliates grow their business.

What are VIP partners?

VIP Partners are affiliates who achieve a certain volume level to earn 30 percent of revenue. However, new affiliates who signed up after February 3rd are now automatically upgraded to the VIP Partner Level and receive double the trading commissions, regardless of volume.

What can we expect from Wisebitcoin in the near future?

We’re looking into broadening our affiliate program as well as the pool of stable coins. In the long run, we’re confident that the quality of our services will make us one of the most used crypto exchanges in the world.

We’re also in the midst of important collaborations, such as our recent partnership with FSV Mainz and Land-FX UK. Just recently, we welcomed two new important advisors to our team.

One is crypto exchange expert Lee Sanwgook, who was previously CFO at Huobi Korea and CEO at BlueHelix Korea.

The other is his colleague, Andrew Chae, who served as Huobi Korea’s CSO and Bluehelix Korea’s Co-CEO. So, there are exciting things coming up.

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