Better than a Tesla: Changing super one of the best ways to go green

Switching to an ethical super fund is the third most effective thing people can do to fight climate change according to new research, coming in after installing solar panels and switching to a green energy plan. And while solar panels are becoming increasingly popular and many pay careful attention to the green credentials of their energy retailer, comparatively few of […]

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Why school alone can’t fix our financial literacy problem

“This needs to be taught in schools!” If financial literacy had a catchcry, this would be it. Whenever the topic comes up, someone will exasperatedly question why their school didn’t teach them more about taxes. It’s an understandable frustration. Met with an endless barrage of financial products and paperwork, it is natural to wonder why your education didn’t prepare you […]

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The world’s next big inflation surprise is looming in China

China’s reopening is set to provide a welcome boost to global growth, offsetting weakness in Europe and a looming recession in the US. But unlike in 2009, when China’s four-trillion-yuan stimulus helped kickstart a recovery from the Lehman slump, in 2023 there’s a catch — a boost to inflation at exactly the moment the Federal Reserve and other central banks […]

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'Shark Tank' star Kevin O'Leary trashes blue states for punishing success: 'Heyday years' over

video Kevin O’Leary: Under Elizabeth Warren, businesses are ‘punished for success’ Millionaire businessman and television personality Kevin O’Leary, a.k.a. Mr. Wonderful, predicts more bankruptcies after the FTX fallout, and discusses his $45 million investment in North Dakota. Mr. Wonderful has his finger on the pulse of small business innovation – and is claiming that states like New York, Massachusetts and […]

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Nevada Has the Most Fraud

Identity theft became a large problem when people started storing their data online. Several major hacks of big companies have exposed tens of millions of records. Some of these include emails and Social Security numbers. Although sophisticated software protects this data, hackers sometimes outsmart it. A recent study showed that Nevada is the state where one is most likely to […]

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US GDP grew at 2.9% pace in fourth quarter as economy cools

video Art Laffer on GDP reaction: This is a ‘recipe for future inflation’ Former Reagan economic adviser Art Laffer discusses the GDP’s reaction to President Biden’s fiscal policies and weighs in on the consequences of the student loan handout. The U.S. economy ended 2022 on solid footing, but momentum seems to have cooled slightly as consumers confront the dual threat […]

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