Last Month Was Hottest June On Record: EU Report

Last month was the warmest June on record, according to a new report.

Temperature recorded in June 2023 exceeded the previous record marked in June 2019 by a substantial margin.

It was just more than 0.5°C above the 1991-2020 average.

Record June temperatures were experienced across northwest Europe this year, an analysis from the European Union’s Copernicus Climate Change Service says.

Parts of Canada, the United States, Mexico, Asia, and eastern Australia were significantly warmer than normal during this period.

At the same time, It was cooler than normal over western Australia, the western United States, and western Russia.

In June 2023, it was wetter than average over most of southern Europe, western Iceland and north-western Russia. heavy rains led to floods in Türkey, Kosovo and Romania.

The Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S), implemented by the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts on behalf of the European Commission, routinely publishes monthly climate bulletins reporting on the changes observed in global surface air temperature, sea ice cover and hydrological variables.

As part of its monitoring role, C3S has also been closely following changes in the temperatures in the oceans across the world. During May 2023, sea surface temperatures globally were higher than any previous May, a trend that continued through June, with the global ocean seeing higher sea surface temperatures than any previous June on record, it found.

Carlo Buontempo, Director of the Copernicus Climate Change Service, said, “These exceptional conditions in the north Atlantic highlight the complexity of the Earth system, and remind us of the importance of monitoring the global climate in near real time. The interplay between local and global variability alongside the climate trends is essential to better manage risks and design efficient adaptation policies.”

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