‘Zombie’ great white shark chows down inches from diver in astonishing footage

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Incredible footage from inside an underwater cage shows the terrifying moment a “zombie" shark attacks its prey – just inches away from a filmmaker.

Photographer and filmmaker, Euan Rannachan, 36, was scouting the ocean for predators off the coast of Guadalupe island, about 125 miles from mainland Mexico when he captured the incident.

He shared the clip on his YouTube channel, EuanArt, showing the great white shark lingering in the water as Euan films from a metal cage hanging from a boat in order to get the incredible close-up.

The shark then swims to the top of the water before biting onto some bait and thrashing it around the water, showing off her razor-sharp teeth, before gulping it down.

Discussing the shark in the video, which has gained more than 5,400 views, Euan told NeedToKnow.online: "I have seen this shark more than once, I don’t remember her name but she is a female that we had seen on the island before.

“Guadalupe island is a migration path for a couple of different kinds of seals and makes for a great place for a white shark to have a snack. We donate all our photos to Marine Conservation Science Index (MCSI) in Mexico which compiles a database of all the sharks we see.

"And with the help of the sharks’ different countershading patterns and sometimes other unique markings, we can tell who is who in the water.”

Euan explained why the shark closes her eyes in the clip, saying: "They close their eyes because sometimes dinner fights back.

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"So the white shark deploys a sort of shield, if you will, over their eyes when they go into attack mode just to make sure their eyes will be fine and survive the battle."

Viewers on YouTube were stunned by the close interaction as one user wrote: "100% zombie shark right there."

Another added: "That’s a great white shark."

A third said: "This is scary."

A fourth commented: "That's not a zombie that's the eye shouting to protect it from debris or blood," to which Euan replied: "lol I know." [sic]

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It is one of Euan's aims to change the stereotype of sharks by sharing his work online, as he explained: " I have loved sharks ever since I was a little boy, but I did not dive with white sharks till 2016.

"After doing it one time I became hooked and started a company taking people out to Guadalupe Island to see the sharks with a good friend Nikki.

"It is my goal with my content now to help change the negative stigma attached to sharks, and help empower people to do things they never thought they could!"

  • Sharks
  • Shark Attacks
  • Great White Shark
  • YouTube

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