Wife of surfer mauled to death in brutal shark attack tells of touching goodbye

The wife of a surfer who was torn apart by a Great White Shark has described their final moments together as he said goodbye to her and their unborn child.

Dad-to-be Timothy Thompson, 31, died after the shark tore his arm off in the waters off Emerald Beach in Coffs Harbour, Australia.

One witness told how they heard the mortally-injured surfer “screaming” with blood pouring from the massive wound.

Ambulance Inspector Chris Wilson, who fought to save Timothy’s life in an improvised ICU unit on the sand, was overcome with emotion as he described the “devastating” attack.

And now Timothy’s grief-stricken wife Katie has said goodbye to the father of her unborn child in a moving Facebook post.

''To say I’m heart broken would be an understatement,” Katie wrote about the man she married just six short months ago. “I’m just waiting for someone to tell me this isn’t real.

''All I know right now is that I have no choice but to keep going, because I have a little piece of you growing in me.

''My heart aches for our baby who will never get to meet you. You would [have] been the best daddy."

The couple’s baby is due in January next year.

’'I promise to tell our baby everyday how amazing their daddy was,” Katie wrote, “how you never spoke a bad word about anybody, how kind and caring you were and most importantly how much you loved that little bubba growing in my tummy.

''The last thing Tim said to me before he walked out that door for the last time was “I love you two”. He kissed me and my tummy goodbye.

''Never in a million years did I think I would be doing life without you," she continued.

"Life can be tragic and unfair, but I take some comfort knowing how loved Tim was by everyone, the time we did have together was amazing and full of adventures.

''I am incredibly blessed that we met and our love story gets to live on with our baby.’'

Shark attacks have increased dramatically over the past few years, with some suggesting that warming seas are encouraging sharks to move closer to coastlines.

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