Transgender killer demands NHS sex-change op to feel comfortable in the shower

A transgender murderer serving life in jail has requested NHS-funded sex-change surgery.

Paris Green, 30, is serving a life sentence handed down in for killing 45-year-old Robert Shankland in 2013 – Green and two others battered him to death.

If Green’s request for full gender reassignment is approved she will become the first person in the UK to have it done behind bars.

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Efforts to do so in the past fell flat over concerns surrounding her fellow would-be-patients.

Speaking to the Daily Record from inside prison, Green said: “It won’t be straightforward and I know a lot of people will say I don’t deserve it, but nothing is more important to me than becoming fully the person I should have been.

“I want to feel comfortable in the shower rather than feeling repulsed. Having male genitalia feels wrong.”

Born Peter Laing, she began taking hormones in 2011 having identified as female for a long time before.

In 2020, before the pandemic, through the Scottish Prison Service, she met with a surgeon.

Concerns over security were however made by the doctor due to Green’s crime.

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Green still has to serve at least eight years and, despite initially thinking there was no way to get the surgery done until her release, feels it can’t wait.

She added: “It’s a major operation. It takes you a long time to be prepared for it and long time to recover. I’ll have a better chance of making a good recovery if I have it in my 30s rather than my 40s.

“I’d be able to come out of prison with my past completely behind me, which gives the best chance of succeeding outside.”

Fears about the privacy of other patients and safety put the brake on a plan to visit the Nuffield Clinic in Brighton in 2020.

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She said: “I was certain when I was 15 that I should have been a woman, so to get to the point where I had a rough date in my head and was meeting the surgeon only to have my hopes dashed was devastating.”

Green has expressed gratitude to the Scottish Prison Service for its support and says staff have been respectful.

Green continued: “Three years ago it was the Nuffield or nothing but there are now specialist centres elsewhere, including London.

“I realise it’s not just as simple as me wanting the operation and everyone having to help make it happen and I understand the security concerns because I was convicted of an awful crime, but that’s past and I’m no danger to anyone.”

She knows the story is likely to cause a backlash due to her crime.

Discussing her involvement, she said: “I was carrying a lot of anger inside me even before I realised I should have been a woman and that made me more angry.

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“I wondered if I’d have been a different person if I’d been a woman. I’m not going to make excuses because there are none. I regret what I did and I’m sorry for it every day of my life.

“Even five minutes before it started if someone had asked me if I was capable of murder, I’d have said no way.

“I know what I did. But I can’t change it and I can’t bring him back.

“But I can’t help anyone by sitting quietly, doing my time and not trying to complete my transition, so this is the best road for me.”

Green remains in the women’s unit at HMP Edinburgh.


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