TikToker accidentally solves 8-year-old missing person case with eerie discovery

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A hiker accidentally solved an 8-year-old mystery when he chanced upon some key evidence while out walking in the woods.

Tad Thornton was walking on a Nevada mountainside when he came across some bones which have now been identified as belonging to Christopher Cash.

The 55-year-old went missing back in 2013 and was suffering from paranoid schizophrenia at the time of his disappearance.

Now Reno Gazette Journal reports that after three separate hikers stumbled across remains over the course of three years, Cash has finally been confirmed as deceased.

The latest breakthrough in the case came last Sunday after Tad happened upon human bone affixed to metal hardware on November 23 last year.

At the time, he assumed that the remains belonged to a pet who'd undergone some sort of surgery. But days after police confirmed the remains were human, he took to TikTok to say "it [was] actual human bone, and this bone helped solved a missing persons case".

The metal fastened to the bone turned out to be a crucial element in identifying Christopher, who was reported missing on August 1 2013.

Christopher was often seen walking the streets of Carson City and police were aware that before he vanished he'd stopped taking his medication.

Mystery still surrounds the circumstances of his death, but the bones were found scattered about the area.

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This led investigators to believe that after he'd died his bones were scattered about the landscape by animals.

Back in 2019, another, unnamed hiker, stumbled across a human skull close to Centennial Park. A post-mortem found no signs of trauma and there were no other bones near the skill.

In February this year, a third, anonymous, hiker found bones in a ravine around two miles west of the location in which the skull had been found.

But the metal plate helped to confirm suspicions that the remains belonged to Christopher because it was the same kind with which he was fitted back in 2011.

This coupled with DNA evidence based upon swabs taken from his sibling to finalise the identification.

Police remain baffled as to how Christopher found himself in the remote location because he did not own a vehicle.

  • TikTok

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