Sadistic Russian colonel ‘tortured Ukrainian POWs by electrocuting genitals’

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    A manhunt is underway for a sadistic Russian colonel accused of torturing captured Ukrainians by electrocuting their manhoods.

    Oleksandr Naumenko is wanted for ordering the genital electrocution of 17 victims inside torture chambers Vladimir Putin's troops set up inside invaded territory.

    Human rights law firm Global Rights Compliance, which is cataloguing Russian atrocities for war crime prosecutions, said nearly 50% of 320 now-released Ukrainian prisoners had been tortured.

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    Along with waterboarding, suffocation and severe beatings 36 said electric currents had been passed through their genitals during brutal interrogations inside 35 identified Russian-run detention centres in the since-liberated Ukrainian city of Kherson.

    Others said they were threatened with having their genitals cut off.

    One victim was forced by Russian guards to witness the rape of a fellow prisoner with a foreign object.

    A spokesman for Global Rights Compliance said: "The identification of individual Russian perpetrators is well underway.

    "Corroborated evidence points to one Russian soldier, Oleksandr Naumenko, having ordered sexual violence in the form of genital electrocution against 17 separate victims in the Kherson detention centres.

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    "Sexual violence during conflict may be classified as a war crime, crime against humanity, and a crime of genocide if other necessary elements are satisfied.''

    Among prisoners who have revealed their ordeals to investigators are soldiers, police, volunteers, activists, community leaders, medical workers, and teachers.

    Captured troops suffered the worst treatment.

    Naumenko got away when Kherson was liberated last October after eight months of Russian rule.

    Brit barrister Wayne Jordash KC, co-founder of the compliance, said: "The torture and sexual violence tactics the Office of the Prosecution is uncovering from the Kherson detention centres suggests that Putin’s plan to extinguish Ukrainian identity includes a range of crimes evocative of genocide.

    "At the very least the pattern that we are observing is consistent with a cynical and calculated plan to humiliate and terrorise millions of Ukrainian citizens in order to subjugate them to the diktat of the Kremlin.

    "We are committed to investigating these crimes and prosecuting those responsible for these attacks against Ukrainian citizens.''

    The group's senior legal adviser Anna Mykytenko (corr) said: "The true scale of Russia's war crimes remains unknown but what we can say for certain is that the psychological consequences of these cruel crimes on Ukrainian people will be engrained in their minds for years to come.

    "What we are witnessing in Kherson is just the tip of the iceberg in Putin’s barbaric plan to obliterate an entire population.

    "Justice will be served for Ukrainian survivors as we continue our mission to identify and hold perpetrators accountable. Impunity is not an option.''

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