Putin desperately trying to ‘cover up’ deaths before Russians ‘realise what’s going on’

Putin trying to ‘cover up’ deaths says William Hague

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Following claims that seems to confirm that over 15,000 Russian troops have died since beginning of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, UK Former Foreign Secretary William Hague said that Putin is trying all costs to “cover up” Russian losses as people in Russia “might realise what is going on”. Putin’s advance besides deaths also shows that “he does not care about loss of life”, claimed Mr Hague.

Speaking with Mr Hague, Times Radio host Aasmah Mir said: “Statistics that came out of the Ministry of Defence yesterday, the estimates are kind of the 15,000 Russian troops dead, 2,000 armoured vehicles captured or destroyed, 60 helicopters, the flagship Moskva”

She then asked Mr Hague: “What do you think those statistics mean to Vladimir Putin?”

Mr Hague responded: “Well, they are very unconformable”

“And, of course, what they mean to him, first of all, is that he has to conceal them as much as possible from the Russian population”

“Because he does not want to admit that the losses have been anything like that”, he added.

Mr Hague then added: “Look at how they reacted, how the Russian government reacted to the loss of the Moskva”

“Which is to say that a fire had broken out, and the seas were stormy and so on”, he continued referring to the explanation Russian government has given to Russian population over sinking of Russian military ship.

“[Russian government] did not even admit that it might have been a hit by the Ukrainians, which it clearly was”

He then reiterated: “So what it means to Putin, first of all, is cover this up at all costs”

“Because people in Russia might realised what is going on”, Mr Hague highlighted.

He then continued: “Secondly, what it means is that he will be telling his armed forces, notwithstanding those losses, to really make sure they win the next bout”

“Preferably with some big gains before the 9th of May”

Mr Hague also said: “And I think the third thing it means is that he does not really care about the scale of the losses”

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“If they can gain the Donbas and claim some sort of victory, even with another 15,000 dead, well that is what they will do”

He concluded: “The stakes are very hight for him now and he does not care about loss of life”

The claims follow Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov claim that “there is a real danger of WW3” as consequence of the deliveries of weapons and other military aids from the West to Ukraine, which has been interpreted by Russia as an act of interest in engaging in a war with Russia. 

UN Security General Antonio Guterres is now in Moscow to meet Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and to discuss ways to find a “peaceful solution” as quick as possible.

Referring to the Russian warnings, Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba responded saying: “[Russia’s] talk of a real danger of WW3 means that Moscow is sensing defeat in Ukraine”

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