Pope tells Biden he prays God will guide reconciliation in US

Vatican City: Pope Francis told US President Joe Biden that he was praying that God would guide his efforts to bring reconciliation in the United States and among the nations of the world.

In a message sent shortly after the second Catholic US president was sworn in on on Wednesday, local time, Francis also said he hoped Biden would work towards a society marked by true justice, freedom and respect for the rights and dignity of every person, especially the poor, the vulnerable and those with no voice.

Joe Biden is sworn in as the 46th president of the United States by Chief Justice John Roberts.Credit:AP

"Under your leadership, may the American people continue to draw strength from the lofty political, ethical and religious values that have inspired the nation since its founding," Francis said.

"I likewise ask God, the source of all wisdom and truth, to guide your efforts to foster understanding, reconciliation and peace within the United States and among the nations of the world in order to advance the universal common good," he said.

Three days after the January 6 attack on the US Congress by supporters of former president Donald Trump, Francis said the violence had left him "astonished".

In Wednesday's message to Biden, the Pope said the "grave crises facing our human family call for farsighted and united responses".

Pope Francis is praying for Joe Biden.Credit:AP

Francis had a rocky relationship with Trump, who visited the Vatican in 2017, disagreeing with him on a series of issues including immigration and climate change.

Here is how other world leaders reacted Joe Biden's inauguration on Wednesday, replacing Donald Trump.

European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen

"The United States is back. And Europe stands ready. To reconnect with an old and trusted partner, to breathe new life into our cherished alliance. I look forward to working together with @JoeBiden."

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson

"I look forward to working with him (Biden), and with his new administration, strengthening the partnership between our countries and working on our shared priorities: from tackling climate change, building back better from the pandemic and strengthening our transatlantic security."

German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier

"Today is a good day for democracy. In the United States of America, it has faced tremendous challenges – and endured. Despite the attempts to tear at America’s institutional fabric, election workers and governors, the judiciary and Congress, have proven strong. I am greatly relieved that, today, Joe Biden is being sworn in as president and will be moving into the White House. I know many people in Germany share this feeling."

Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez

"The (election) victory of Biden represents the victory of democracy over the ultra-right and its three methods, the massive deception, the national division and the abuse, even violent, of democratic institutions… Five years ago, we thought Trump was a bad joke, but five years later we realized he jeopardized nothing less than the world's most powerful democracy."

Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte

"We are looking forward to the Biden presidency, with which we will start working immediately in view of our presidency of the G20. We have a strong common agenda, ranging from the effective multilateralism that we both want to see, to climate change, green and digital transition and social inclusion."

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau

Canada and the United States "will continue this partnership as we fight the global COVID-19 pandemic and support a sustainable economic recovery that will build back better for everyone".

"We will also work together to advance climate action and clean economic growth, promote inclusion and diversity, and create good middle class jobs and opportunities for our people while contributing to democracy, peace, and security at home and around the world."

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu

“Congratulations President Joe Biden and Vice-President Kamala Harris on your historic inauguration. President Biden, you and I have had a warm personal friendship going back many decades. I look forward to working with you to further strengthen the US-Israel alliance, to continue expanding peace between Israel and the Arab world, and to confront common challenges, chief among them the threat posed by Iran."

Netanyahu's office released a separate statement on Trump: “President Trump, thank you for all the great things you have done for Israel, especially your historic recognition of Jerusalem as Israel's capital and bringing four peace agreements between Israel and the Arab world.”

Palestinian Islamist Group Hamas spokesman Fawzi Barhoum

“There are no regrets at the departure of Trump, as he has been the biggest source and sponsor of injustice, violence and extremism in the world and the direct partner of the Israeli occupation in the aggression against our people.”

“US President Joe Biden must reverse the course of misguided and unjust policies against our people and lay the foundations for security and stability in the region.”

Belarus Opposition Leader Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya (Exiled In Lithuania)

"Congratulations Joe Biden & Kamala Harris! Best wishes in your work on behalf of all United States people. Looking forward to working with you on developing relations between Belarus and US!"


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