Please, think of the people behind the numbers
Federal election 2022
The election has understandably dominated the news this week, but let’s not forget about the other battle that remains in our community.
Today, in Victoria, 11,656 new COVID-19 cases have been reported and 545 people are currently in hospital with the virus. And I found out the reality of what it’s like being one of the people behind the numbers.
The election is over, but it’s not the only battle in Australia right now.Credit:Janie Barrett
Halfway through our family road trip to Sydney over the Easter holidays, I tested positive to COVID-19. I had gone to bed with my heart full of joy, having just seen the sun set over Jervis Bay. It had been one of those evenings when the world glistens and everything seems possible. An evening where I had felt that the worst of this pandemic might be behind us.
I’d had a slightly sore neck, but had put it down to my youngest’s questionable dodgem car skills at the Easter Show. Then I woke in the middle of the night with a feeling of pressure on my chest and nausea. The vomiting soon started, and then the fever, and then the intense longing for home.
My husband drove all day, back to Melbourne – our long dreamt of holiday cut short and our hope that we were now living in more normal times, shattered.
There is so much that is strange and unpredictable about this virus. No one else in my family of five tested positive. I ended up with secondary pneumonia and pleural effusion – a build-up of fluid around the lungs.
I am incredibly grateful that I was triple-vaccinated, but I wonder whether the fact that more than four months had passed since my booster contributed to my level of ill-health. In which case, are we about to see more and more people with significant illness?
I spent a brief amount of time in hospital to undergo a chest X-ray, ECG, blood tests and IV rehydration. It was a terrifying experience on many levels. Our healthcare system is in crisis. Our hospitals are overwhelmed. Our healthcare workers are exhausted.
The incredible junior nurse who looked after me had worked back-to-back shifts. She couldn’t get the ECG to work, didn’t have the skills to insert a cannula, but also finds herself in an environment where she cannot just pop out to ask a question or seek assistance whenever she needs, given the nature of the isolation rooms, the PPE requirements and the severe lack of people to ask.
I could see how much everyone was trying to help one another, to pitch in. I could also see our healthcare workers fraying, a system buckling.
Until I was in that hospital room, I hadn’t thought much about what it would be like. I hadn’t turned my mind to what it would feel like to be locked in. Relying on someone to answer your buzzer in a place where demands far outweigh the people able to assist.
And at a time when I felt incredibly unwell and deeply fearful of how much worse my condition would become. When we read the number of Victorians in hospital, we need to imagine all these people as individuals – people who are incredibly unwell and most likely, incredibly scared.
My message is simple: we must all take individual responsibility to keep doing whatever things we can to slow the spread of this wretched virus. As much as we all dream of it all being over, of having entered the stage of “COVID normal”, we are still in the thick of it, with worse invariably to come as winter approaches.
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