Piers Morgan Uncensored with Andrew Tate LIVE — Disgraced influencer hints he has children and calls women 'emotional' | The Sun

ANDREW Tate hinted that he had children in part one of his explosive interview on Piers Morgan Uncensored.

Andrew Tate is a former professional kickboxer and influencer who was just released from house arrest following charges of rape, human trafficking, and forming an organized crime group exploiting women.

During the fiery interview, Piers Morgan asked Tate what it was like in Romanian jail.

When asked if he cried in jail, Tate responded: "To do push ups thinking of your children with tears running down your face, but you are concerned with finishing as many push ups as possible within that day, I do not consider that crying, I consider that tears running down my face."

Morgan also pressed Tate on his misogynistic beliefs, and Tate admitted, "Females are emotional."

Part two of the fiery interview airs tonight on Piers Morgan Uncensored on TalkTV at 8 pm GMT and 3 pm EST. You can also watch the broadcast on YouTube here.

Follow our Piers Morgan Uncensored live blog below for the latest updates on Andrew and Tristan's interview…

  • By Henry Moore

    ‘I’m an emotional man’

    Andrew Tate told Piers Morgan that he’s an emotional man and that men are inherently hyper-emotional.

    In response to whether he cried in jail, Andrew responded: “There were tears that ran down my face, but I did not cry.”

    Andrew said that he was “not a coward.”

  • By Sophie Gable

    'I have no female hate at all'

    Piers Morgan and Andrew Tate went back and forth on Tate's misogynist views.

    When asked about his opinion of women in the workplace, Tate said: "If you are with a man of my stature, you don’t have to work… I think a man should provide for a woman… I have no female hate at all. I have never had a negative interaction with a woman ever."

    Morgan pushed back on his claims that he's never had a negative interaction with women.

  • By Sophie Gable

    Piers Morgan pushes back on COVID claims

    Piers Morgan and Andrew Tate debated over the coronavirus pandemic.

    Morgan fact-checked Tate's incorrect claims that the virus was a hoax.

    He then pressed Tate as to why he would be jailed for expressing his opinion on the virus.

    Tate responded: "Okay, because I was the most Googled man on the planet and I had a huge affinity with the most troublesome demographic for the matrix, which is the young masculine youth, the people who you need to die in wars… I was saying things which was going against the narrative."

  • By Sophie Gable

    Claims that women are 'emotional'

    Andrew Tate claimed that women were "emotional" and were created "differently than men."

    He told Piers Morgan: "Men and women are created differently by God. A man has certain jobs and a woman has certain jobs."

    When Morgan pushed back, Tate defended his stance by claiming that women's emotions are a "superpower."

  • By Sophie Gable

    Shocking 'loverboy' claims

    Piers Morgan questioned Andrew Tate on his use of the "loverboy method."

    The loverboy method is a technique criminals use to recruit victims into forced prostitution by pretending they are falling in love.

    Tate is currently facing charges of sex trafficking but claimed during the interview that they were "garbage."

    He demonstrated a misunderstanding of the term and claimed that a loverboy is just a man who is nice to women.

  • By Sophie Gable

    Andrew Tate's 'feminist' claims, part two

    Piers Morgan pressed Andrew Tate on his claims that he was a feminist.

    Tate responded: "Taking your clothes off for men on Instagram is not empowering. It's empowering when you say, no man but my husband can see my body."

    Morgan then pointed out that Tate is 36 years old and frequently posts shirtless photos of himself.

  • By Sophie Gable

    Andrew Tate's 'feminist' claims

    Andrew Tate responded to backlash on his comments regarding Amanda Holden by claiming he was a "feminist."

    He claimed that his criticisms of her post in a bikini were because he believed she was "more interesting" than a "thirst trap on Instagram."

    Tate told Piers Morgan: "I was reminding her of her worth, because as a feminist, we are all feminists here, right, we all believe in women empowerment. I am reminding her of her worth."

  • By Sophie Gable

    Andrew Tate's Hustler's University, continued

    The Real World Portal caused controversy following its release, causing Apple to take the app down.

    Lawyers representing four women accusing Andrew Tate of sexual and physical assault claimed the app encouraged misogyny and suggested an illegal pyramid scheme, per The Guardian.

    Piers Morgan pressed Tate on his online course during his interview, but Tate continued to stand by the platform as an educational tool to help young men with their entrepreneurial skills.

  • By Sophie Gable

    Piers Morgan pushes back on COVID claims

    Piers Morgan and Andrew Tate debated over the coronavirus pandemic.

    Morgan fact-checked Tate's incorrect claims that the virus was a hoax.

    He then pressed Tate as to why he would be jailed for expressing his opinion on the virus.

    Tate responded: "Okay, because I was the most Googled man on the planet and I had a huge affinity with the most troublesome demographic for the matrix, which is the young masculine youth, the people who you need to die in wars… I was saying things which was going against the narrative."

  • By Sophie Gable

    Andrew Tate's 'Hustler's University'

    Andrew Tate created a course called Hustler's University, where participants pay a monthly membership fee.

    The course was rebranded multiple times and ultimately changed to The Real World.

    According to the Independent, the course has founding principles which include, "men have the sacred duty to raise strong, capable, and honorable sons," and "kind, feminine and virtuous daughters."

    During his interview with Piers Morgan, he stood firm that the course is to teach “wealth creation.”

  • By Sophie Gable

    Andrew Tate addresses 'Pimp' allegations

    Piers Morgan pressed Andrew Tate on whether he was a "pimp."

    Tate claimed that he called himself a pimp for "comedic effect" and that the allegations were a "matrix attack."

    He added: "Of course I have not been a pimp, I have said I am a pimp, I have said I am an astronaut, I have said I am a cowboy, I have said I am the strongest man in the world, I have said I am James Bond, throw me in jail.

    "Put me in jail, I deserve it. Nine years ago I made a joke on the internet."

  • By Sophie Gable

    More to come on Piers Morgan Uncensored

    The second part of Piers Morgan's interview with Andrew Tate will air tomorrow.

    The two will discuss Hamas and the charges levied against the Tate brothers.

    Andrew's brother Tristan will also make an appearance for a separate interview.

  • By Sophie Gable

    Does Andrew Tate worry about his impact on men?

    Morgan questioned Tate on whether he was concerned about his impact on men.

    Tate responded: "It's very easy for a teenager, with their hormones and the lack of life experience, to take the things I say and weaponize them and use them in the incorrect context. However, that is not my fault.

    "Can I make sure that no teenager on the planet who listens to me ever misunderstands me, ever? No, I can't do that, but I am doing my very best."

    Tate said his message to men was to not "suffer as a nobody."

    "Get strong, get rich, do whatever it takes to become someone of significance," he added.

  • By Sophie Gable

    'My woman won't work'

    Tate claimed that he had hundreds of millions of dollars, which Morgan quickly denied.

    Morgan said that $17 million of Tate's was seized and he doesn't have hundreds of millions of dollars.

    When asked where the rest is, Tate said: "I must've lost it."

    He added that his girl "works at Starbucks" to pay the rent. Morgan responded that he didn't know if he was being sarcastic.

  • By Sophie Gable

    'I believe that female empowerment is in modesty'

    Tate said that "men and women are created differently by God."

    "A man has certain jobs and a woman has certain jobs," he added.

    Tate stood by his claims that women are more emotional and called it a "superpower."

  • By Sophie Gable

    Andrew addresses Amanda Holden controversy

    Tate responded to a photo of Amanda in a bathing suit and wrote: "You are a wife and a mother and you are far past a teenager, there is no need for this post."

    Morgan said the tweet was misogynistic to which Tate explained: "You can call me crazy, you can call me misogynistic, but I think once you reach the ripe age of 50, any woman should not be interested in thirst trapping on Instagram. I think she has bigger responsibilities, I am sure she is a very intelligent lady and she has done amazing things."

    Tate added, "we're all feminists here."

    Morgan then called Tate out for posting photos of himself without clothes but criticizing women who do it.

  • By Sophie Gable

    'Females are emotional'

    Amidst his defense that he isn't misogynistic, Tate declared that "females are emotional."

    "In your tweets, there is an element there of coercion," Morgan fired back.

    When Morgan asked Tate about his views on women being slaves and subservient, Tate responded, "Slaves that wear Prada."

  • By Sophie Gable

    Andrew Tate addresses misogynistic claims

    Morgan read aloud a series of misogynistic quotes that Tate previously said.

    "I think that is the purest definition of misogyny I have ever read," Morgan concluded.

    Tate said that because he goes "through so much pain" as a man, he wouldn't want his partner to work.

  • By Sophie Gable

    Explaining Hustler's University

    Tate claimed that his website, Hustler's University, is a business to teach "wealth creation."

    Morgan pressed him as to whether he was "a pimp" to which Tate replied that he called himself that "satirically."

  • By Sophie Gable

    Coercion claims

    Morgan pushed back and asked Tate what he believed coercion meant.

    Tate then claimed that Morgan coerced him into doing the interview and said he felt "loverboyed."

    Morgan fired back that Tate was not coerced into the interview.

  • By Sophie Gable

    Morgan questions Tate on the 'loverboy method'

    Morgan pressed Tate on whether he practices the "loverboy method."

    The method is a term that refers to men who use tactics to coerce vulnerable individuals into exploitation.

    Tate pushed back: "Do you know what ‘loverboy method’ means? Being nice. ‘He was nice and polite and kind and they really liked him as a person, and he told them how to do TikTok’. He’s a lover boy!”

  • By Sophie Gable

    Andrew Tate calls the coronavirus vaccine 'poison'

    Tate told Morgan that the coronavirus vaccine was "poison."

    Tate questioned Morgan whether he was invited to an alleged party held by Prime Minister Boris Johnson on Downing Street.

    Morgan said he wasn't invited and condemned those who partied during lockdown.

  • By Sophie Gable

    Andrew Tate spews misinformation on coronavirus

    Andrew Tate claimed that the coronavirus pandemic was a hoax.

    He said that people had the sniffles before the virus and still do.

    Piers Morgan pushed back that the virus still exists and fact-checked Andrew's claim that Sweden didn't have any restrictions during the pandemic.

  • By Sophie Gable

    Andrew Tate denies accusations

    Andrew called the charges levied against him "garbage."

    He claimed that he was "thrown in jail" for his opinions on the coronavirus pandemic and the war in Ukraine.

    Andrew added: "The whole thing is a joke."

  • By Sophie Gable

    'God has been paying my bills'

    Piers questioned Andrew on how he was able to finance himself following the seizure of his bank accounts.

    Andrew said: "God has been paying my bills."

    When Piers pushed how exactly his finances are being paid, Andrew stood firm that his faith in God is what has kept him afloat.

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