Many millenials 'will only get Covid jab if vaccine passports are brought in for gigs and festivals'

MANY millenials will only get the Covid jab if vaccine passports are brought in for gigs and festivals, a new poll reveals.

A quarter of Brits aged 18 to 34 say they will not get the vaccine.

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But out of these refuseniks, 38 per cent said they would change their mind if they had to show a vaccine certificate to go partying.

The findings, by Forefront Market Research, pile pressure on No10 to sign off on the certificates in time for the great unlocking this summer.

Jamie Njoku-Goodwin, chief executive of UK Music, said: “The reopening relies on the vaccination programme continuing to go well – so it’s in all our interests for the vaccine rollout to be as successful as possible.

“Vaccine certification could help boost consumer confidence and may even offer an incentive for younger people to get vaccinated.

“If businesses or event organisers want to introduce them, they should be allowed to do so.”

Nearly 2,000 young Brits were surveyed for the poll.

Boris Johnson has launched a review into the possible use of vaccine passports.

They are widely expected to be brought in to help get foreign holidays back up and running.

But their use to unlock UK nightlife is more controversial.

Boris is understood to back plans to use “Covid Status Certificates” for ticketed events like gigs and sports.

But he is against them being used in pubs and restaurants.

Israel – the only country in the world ahead of Britain on vaccinations – has already introduced the certificates.

Israelis must show their 'green passports' showing they have been vaccinated in order to get into gyms, swimming pools and hotels.



The policy was seen as key in enticing younger Israelis to get the jab.

Ministers have pledged to vaccinate all adults by the end of July.

Nightclubs are due to be reopened on June 21 at the earliest. They will have been closed for over a year.

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