Lockdowns are creating an evil new slave labour trade across UK

LOCKDOWNS are creating an evil new slave labour trade across our towns and cities, The Sun on Sunday can reveal.

Criminal gangmasters are offering migrants trying to enter the UK “cut-price Covid crossings”.

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They are charging £400 instead of the usual £40,000, say experts.

Some 3,042 victims were identified between October and December last year, figures show.

More than 30 a day fell prey to the gangmasters — up 22 per cent on the previous three months.

And 274 adults and 180 children were forced to work as sex slaves.

Officials last year identified 4,946 slaves aged 17 or under, the highest ever.

London, West Mids, West Yorks and Manchester are badly hit.

Many nail bars and car washes are slavers’ fronts.

Rob Richardson, of the National Crime Agency — Britain’s FBI — revealed the evil Covid discount adding: “Victims are controlled by fear, violence and debt bondage.”

Expert Matt Freidman said: “Gangsters don’t class people as human. They’re a commodity.

“Covid’s created a dangerous new marketplace in human suffering.”

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