‘Lock him up’ Macron nightmare as furious protests erupt in Paris HOURS before election

Paris: Furious protests erupt hours before election

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Street protests have erupted in France ahead of the second round of voting in a close-run race between President Emmanuel Macron and his populist rival Marine Le Pen. The streets of Paris on Saturday were filled with anti-Macron demonstrators who had gathered ahead of Sunday’s tense election result. 

Footage taken of the demonstrations in Paris shows large crowds of activists descending the French capital.

The crowd could be heard chanting ‘Macron – lock him up!’ as they marched.

Many of the placards on display blast the French Government’s handling of the coronavirus pandemic.

A number of protestors can also be seen wearing yellow high-vis jackets which have become an icon of anti-Macron activism since the eruption of the Yellow Vest movement in 2018.


President Macron and Marine Le Pen made final appeals on Friday to undecided French voters.

According to the latest surveys for Sunday’s run-off Macron leads his eurosceptic challenger by 10-14 points, well outside margins of error.

Surveys by France’s leading pollsters published on Thursday and Friday showed Macron’s score was either stable or slightly rising to reach between 55.5 percent and 57.5 percent.

But they also put turnout at between 72 percent and 74 percent, which would be the lowest for a presidential run-off since 1969.


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