Influencers jump on trend of shaving their baby’s head

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Influencers are shaving their newborns in the hopes that they can encourage them to grow more hair. Australian Instagram star Chloe Szepanowski became the second to share she had taken the unusual step earlier this week. In a recent post, followers noticed her newborn son Sunny had a freshly shaven head, leading some users to suspect a trend is forming.

Ms Szepanowski follows in the footsteps of Ruby Tuesday Matthews, another influencer.

She admitted that she shaved her daughter Holiday’s head in a post after causing confusion among her followers.

Instagram watchdog account Influencer Updates AU connected the two, questioning whether Ms Szepanowski was “doing the same thing @rubytuesdaymatthews did”.

Both prompted shock amongst their fanbases, with users questioning what had happened to baby Sunny’s hair.

Users under Ms Matthews’ post called the move “barbaric” and said she “shouldn’t be allowed to raise a child”.

But she hit back at the shock speculation, stating that shaving a child’s head s a time-honoured tradition in her family.

In a post, she wrote that “everyone is losing it” over her decision to shave Holiday’s head.

She said she has “always” done so, adding every one of her children has had their hair shaven at four months old.

The influencer explained that the buzz cuts help them grow a more full head of hair.

She said: “My kids are born with dark hair that slowly falls out and ends up looking crazy patchy and the new hair holds off growing.

“I find shaving it makes it grow faster, thicker and so much more even.”

The decision to give children an early haircut is one shared by other cultures and practiced for generations.

Ms Matthews added: “This is also done by some cultures for tradition and some for looks.

“My aunty who is Indonesian told me about it.

“It’s crazy now I can see her blonde hairs coming in now her baby fluff is gone.”

Other users were quick to agree, adding that they also choose to shave their children’s heads.

One said shaving is “considered a healthy practice” that allows children to grow a thick head of hair as they grow.

Another said they had observed family members whose decision had given their newborns “thick and beautiful” hair.

Some proponents they received the recommendation from a hairdresser or were one themselves.

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