Ford vows to be "carbon neutral" by 2050

Photo: Artur Widak/NurPhoto via Getty Images

Ford became the latest corporate titan to set an ambitious long-term climate goal, vowing Wednesday to "achieve carbon neutrality" by 2050.

Why it matters: It's part of a wider move by some of the world's largest corporations to create aggressive climate targets.

  • The pledge includes a vow to create interim, "science-based" goals, including goals for emissions from use of its vehicles, not just its own operations.
  • That matters because, as The Verge reports, "Three quarters of the planet-heating CO2 emissions Ford is responsible for come from consumers driving its cars."

Yes, but: Lots of these plans rely on forces outside of companies' direct control, and Ford is no different.

What they're saying: Axios had an email exchange with Ford spokesperson John Cangany about the role of policy in meeting the climate goals …

  • "Government policies are one set of factors that could impact our ability to reach carbon neutrality, and when," he said.
  • "For example, given their progressive policies, we expect the EU, California and other states following California’s lead to be carbon neutral before other parts of the world, and the interim targets we are working on will reflect these differences."
  • He also cited other factors, like consumer acceptance of EVs and energy price changes.

What's next: "We will continue to monitor and advocate for enablers that support our carbon neutrality goal, including carbon pricing systems," Cangany said.

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