British troops ‘watched adult film’ before air-strike on ship in Falklands War

The crew of a navy vessel bombed by Argentinian troops during the Falklands War were gathered to watch a porn movie moments before the deadly attack, a former soldier has revealed.

The Falklands War between the United Kingdom and Argentina ended with an Argentine surrender on June 14 in 1982, but not before 255 British troops and 649 Argentinians had lost their lives in the fighting.

With the anniversary of the conflict’s final days rolling around, a BBC documentary, Our Falklands War: A Frontline Story has shared devastating testimony from some of the young British soldiers who experienced combat first-hand.

And, in one shocking scene, crew members aboard the Sir Galahad naval vessel revealed how they had been entirely unprepared for a lethal bombing raid.

The naval support ship had been carrying troop reinforcements to a regiment at Bluff Cove, an area on the east coast of the Falklands when it was attacked by Argentinian forces.

Chris White, a royal marine commando on board the ship, explained that the crew and their commanding officers had not expected a fight, as the plan was to sneak in and out before daylight.

So, as one crew member explained, the soldiers on board weren’t frightened of an attack, and even felt “indestructible” on the day of the onslaught.

In one shocking revelation, Chris even revealed that the troops’ officers decided to motivate their men with an X-rated film moments before a brutal attack.

“The guys decided that we needed a morale boost, so they brought out this brand new invention called a Betamax [a video player], and they proceeded to play a porn movie, which we found highly entertaining because it was incredibly lame but the actor had forgotten to take his socks off,” Chris recalled.

This story was confirmed by army medic Michael ‘Iddy’ Iddon, who admitted: “We were watching a porno.

“It was interesting for a brief period but when it started getting rewound and played again, I got bored and hungry because it was getting close to breakfast time.

The screening was well attended, with Michael admitting that as many people as could sit down were crowding into the room.

But, the crew’s fun was soon interrupted by the sound of an eney bomber in the air.

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Chris picked up the story, continuing: “We were watching this porn movie laughing our heads off and this guy screams at the top of his lungs, ‘action stations’.

“A 1000lb bomb comes through the ceiling which had gone through the brige, our accomodation, down into the engine room and exploded.

“Two rockets had come through the wall, crossed the room, taking some guys with it, blowing up in the galley killing everybody.”

The assault resulted in heavy British casualties, with the explosions killing 48 crew and soldiers, and leaving many with long-lasting symptoms of PTSD.

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