Ban on Anjem Choudary's gospel of hatred is about to be lifted

Ban on Anjem Choudary’s gospel of hatred is about to be lifted as security sources fear the notorious Islamic preacher will immediately resume his campaign to radicalise young Muslims

  • Anjem Choudary was banned from speaking in public after his prison release
  • These restrictions on the Islamic preacher will be lifted towards the end of May 
  • Choudary helped to radicalise killers Michael Adebolajo and Michael Adebowale

Britain’s most notorious Islamic preacher will soon be free to spread his gospel of hate again, The Mail on Sunday can reveal.

After his release from prison two years ago, extremist Anjem Choudary was banned from speaking in public under one of the strictest licence conditions ever imposed by judges.

But those restrictions will be lifted towards the end of May – and now security sources fear that Choudary will immediately resume his campaign to radicalise young Muslims.

Britain’s most notorious Islamic preacher will soon be free to spread his gospel of hate again, The Mail on Sunday can reveal

Last night, terrorism expert and author Michael Kenney said the 54-year-old hate cleric will have ‘street cred’ after serving time behind bars, adding: ‘He is no longer just a talker, but has served time for his cause, so he has greater credibility.’

Choudary, leader of the banned Al-Muhajiroun group, was jailed for five-and-a-half years after inviting support for Islamic State.

He was released less than halfway through his sentence and has since been living at his family home in Ilford, East London, where his conditions include a night-time curfew and a ban on using the internet or preaching in public.

Before being jailed, he helped to radicalise Michael Adebolajo and Michael Adebowale, the killers of Fusilier Lee Rigby in South-East London in 2013; and Khuram Butt, the ringleader of the London Bridge attacks of 2017.

Before being jailed, he helped to radicalise Michael Adebolajo and Michael Adebowale, the killers of Fusilier Lee Rigby in South-East London in 2013

Dozens of Choudary’s followers joined Islamic State in Syria, including Siddhartha Dhar, also known as Jihadi Sid, who featured in a video showing him executing a victim.

Mohammed Reza Haque, Choudary’s former bodyguard who became known as Jihadi Giant due to his 6ft 6in frame, beheaded a hostage in another propaganda recording.

Choudary, a father-of-five, is understood to have written an autobiography, although is unlikely to make any money from it because he is banned from having a bank account.

The Treasury would probably seek to freeze any income that he earned from the book.

A Home Office source last night said Choudary would continue to be monitored by police and MI5 after his current licence conditions ended.

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