Ashley Dale’s mum ‘constantly moves house’ fearing underworld wrath after murder

Ashley Dale's mum says her family are constantly moving house and have lived in a state of paranoia since her daughter was murdered.

Niall Barry, 26, Sean Zeisz, 28, James Witham, 41, and Joseph Peers, 29, were today (Monday, November 20) convicted of Ashley's murder, which occurred after an underworld feud between the four men and Ashley's boyfriend Lee Harrison, 26, was reignited at Glastonbury Festival, reports the Liverpool Echo.

Ashley was found dead at her home in Old Swan, Liverpool, on August 21 last year after Witham forced his way in and shot her with a Skorpion submachine gun. It was Barry and Zeisz who dispatched "footsoldiers" Witham and Peers.

READ MORE: Ashley Dale brought 'own killers to justice' after 4 cowards murdered her in Glastonbury spat

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Life for Ashley's mum Julie Dale, 43, and stepdad Rob Jones, 39, has been a daily struggle, particularly in the time before they knew who was responsible for murdering her.

Rob told the Liverpool Echo: "You're standing there in your local shop thinking, 'who is this person in front of me, who is this person behind me'. Anyone who wears a black coat and a black trackie, thinking they could be part of them.

"I might dress like that myself on a Saturday as well, which makes you become paranoid about the way you look, the way you dress, who you're mixing with. But our life has never been anything to do with this, it's a different world to us. And it was a different world to Ashley. This was not her world."

Julie said: "I don't sleep. I don't sleep at all. Robbie hasn't slept well at all since it's happened. An unexpected car might drive past the house, or there's an unexpected knock at the door, someone you might not be expecting. The anxiety; it's just through the roof, it really is. And now our faces – we have sat in trial, we have sat with these defendants, we've sat with the families, they all know what we look like.

"You might seem like you're being so far-fetched but this couldn't get any more far-fetched than it's got to. We're constantly moving house, there's just so many things now that we're now having to deal with."

Liverpool Crown Court heard how council worker Ashley lived a very different life to her boyfriend, who was said to be associated with a Huyton-based organised crime group known as the Hillsiders.

The court heard how the feud between Ashley's killers and Harrison started after a drugs theft some time before the Glastonbury trip. Harrison was said to have sided with the Hillsiders in that dispute.

Julie said: "I knew he didn't have a conventional job shall we say. You know he didn't have a nine to five job. I'll be honest, I didn't know what he was up to, I still don't know the whole truth of it, what he was doing. I was never happy about it."

Rob added: "What we have heard in the trial has shocked us. The things, the world that Lee has been into or on the periphery of or associated with, however you want to phrase it.

"Ashley thought she could improve Lee. She thought she could turn him round, get him a job, get him a driving licence, could push his life in the right direction, not that we knew how wrong a direction it was going in."

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