Aid starts flowing into Gaza as Israel-Hamas cease-fire holds

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Humanitarian aid began flowing from Israel to Gaza Saturday morning as Israel’s cease-fire with Hamas appeared to hold.

Convoys carrying fuel, food and medicine to the battered region began after 11 days of conflict, the Times of Israel reported. Israel opened both the Erez and Kerem Shalom border crossings to allow the aid to get through.

An effort to deliver assistance through those crossings earlier in the week, before the cease-fire, was met with rocket fire from Hamas.

The UN’s Central Emergency Response Fund released $18.5 million for humanitarian efforts, and several nations also pledged aid, according to the paper.

Gaza health officials say at least 240 people were killed after Israeli airstrikes, NPR reported. Hundreds of homes and businesses were damaged or destroyed. Twelve people died in Israel from more than 4,000 rockets fired by Hamas militants, Israeli officials said.

While the military action was on hold, Jerusalem saw some violence on Friday when Israeli police cracked down on protesters at the Al-Aqsa Mosque, where the more recent round of conflict began two weeks earlier. Protesters who marched through the neighborhood and threw stones and fireworks were met with tear gas and rubber bullets, according to the Jerusalem Post. There were also clashes at that site, known to Jews as the Temple Mount, earlier Friday.

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